Academic Publications



Daron Acemoglu, C.L., Pascual Restrepo (2020), "Competing with Robots: Firm-Level Evidence from France", AEA P&P, NBER WP26738

Main findings: in English


Joaquin Blaum, C.L., Michael Peters (2019), "Firm Size, Quality Bias and Import Demand", Journal of International Economics, 120, CEPR WP13700

Main findings: in English and in French; Very old but detailed version of the empirical analyses: CEPR WP12237


Pauline Charnoz, C.L., Corentin Trevien (2018), "Communication Costs and the Internal Organization of Multi-Plant Businesses: Evidence from the Impact of the French High-Speed Rail", Banque de France WP 635 (2017), CEPR WP12585 (2018), Economic Journal, 128(610).

Main findings: VoxEU,  LSE Business Review, and also in French... and in the press: UK, FR (also here and here)


Joaquin Blaum, C.L., Michael Peters (2018), "The Gains from Input Trade with Heterogeneous Importers", NBER WP21504 (2015), CEPR WP11721 (2016), American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 10(4)

Main findings: in English and in French, VoxEU.

Luis Garicano, C.L., John Van Reenen (2016), "Firm Size Distortions and the Productivity Distribution: Evidence from France", NBER WP 18841, revised CEP WP1128American Economic Review, 106(11)

Short articles summarising our main findings: in English and in French (Rue de la Banque, Oct. 2017), VoxEU, and in the press: NYT, Econ

Discussion and extensions (2023)


 Emmanuel Duguet, C.L. (2012), "Does Patenting Increase the Private Incentives to Innovate? A Microeconometric Analysis", Annals of Economics and Statistics, 107-108


Daron Acemoglu, Philippe Aghion, C.L., John Van Reenen, Fabrizio Zilibotti (2007), "Technology, Information and the Decentralization of the Firm", Quarterly Journal of Economics, 122(4), NBER WP (12206), CEPR WP (5678), CREST WP (2006-12)


Chapters in Books


C.L., David Sraer, David Thesmar (2008), "Entrepreneurship and Credit Constraints: Evidence from a French Loan Guarantee Program", in J. Lerner and A. Schoar (ed.), International Differences in Entrepreneurship, University of Chicago Press.