The Eleventh Circuit Historical Society is a private, nonprofit organization incorporated in Georgia on January 17, 1983. Although the Society has no legal connection with the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit or the federal government, its primary purpose is to keep a record of the history of the courts of the Eleventh Circuit as institutions and of the judges who have served these courts. In this regard, the judges in the old Fifth Circuit from the states of Alabama, Florida, and Georgia are included in the Society's area of interest.

In addition, the Society has a broader mission to foster public appreciation of the federal court system in the states encompassed by the Eleventh Circuit.

The formation of the Society came shortly after the creation of the Circuit in 1981.  This timing has allowed the writing of history as current history, not as research history. The Society is devoted to preserving our courts' heritage through the collection of portraits, photographs, oral histories, documents, news articles, books, artifacts, and personal memorabilia.


The Society's permanent office is in the Elbert P. Tuttle United States Court of Appeals Building in Atlanta. Its Board of Trustees is composed of lawyers and legal scholars representing the historical interests of Alabama, Florida, and Georgia.


Officers and Trustees 

Chief Judge William H. Pryor Jr. - Honorary Chairman

John N. Bolus - President

William G. Parker, Jr.  - Vice President, Alabama

Suzanne E. Gilbert - Vice President, Florida

Vacant - Vice President, Georgia

Norman E. Zoller - Secretary

M. Jerome Elmore - Treasurer


          Alabama Florida

David J. Canupp, Huntsville Henry M. Coxe III, Jacksonville

Celia J. Collins, Mobile Barry R. Davidson, Miami

Samuel H. Franklin, Birmingham Susan S. Erdelyi, Jacksonville

Richard H. Gill, Montgomery Kristen M. Fiore, Tallahassee

Walter E. McGowen, Tuskegee John F. Harkness, Jr., Tallahassee

Jeffrey R. McLaughlin, Guntersville Scott G. Hawkins, West Palm Beach

John Neiman, Birmingham Benjamin H. Hill III, Tampa

  Patrick H. Sims, Mobile Peter Prieto, Miami

Ryan K. Stumphauzer, Miami


  Sarah B. Akins, Savannah

Robert M. Brinson, Rome

Michael L. Eber, Atlanta

William H. Larsen, Macon

Michael N. Loebl, Augusta

Robert C. Martin, Jr., Columbus

Chilton D. Varner, Atlanta

While the Society's archival activities are partially funded by grants and other special gifts, it primarily depends on members for financial support.  Contributions to the Society are deductible for income tax purposes.


If you are interested in becoming a member or have historical information, artifacts, or memorabilia for the Historical Society, please contact Wanda Lamar, Executive Director, at (404) 335-6395,


11th Circuit Historical News

Latest Edition: Volume XX, Number 2 - Winter 2023