
Probability Seminar at the University of Cincinnati

Fall 2014

Sep 3, Wed, Yizao Wang

Seminar Room, French Hall 4206, 3:45-4:35pm

Title: From random partition to fractional Brownian motions.

Abstract: We review a few combinatorial stochastic processes: sampling from infinite url model (Karlin model), Chinese restaurant process, and a random graph model recently introduced by Hammond and Sheffield. Invariance principles can be established based on (modification) of these models, and fractional Brownian motions arise in the limit. If time permits, we talk about extensions to random fields.

The talk does not require any prerequisite. Joint work with Hermine Biermé and Olivier Durieu.

Sep 10, Wed, Yizao Wang

Seminar Room, French Hall 4206, 3:45-4:35pm

We continue the talk of last week. We present the ideas of the proofs.

Sep 15, Mon, 3:35-4:35, Colloquium, Joseph Najnudel, Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse

Title: On infinite-dimensional generalization of virtual permutations

Abstract: Kerov, Olshanski and Vershik have introduced the so-called virtual permutations, defined as families of permutations (s_n)_{n >= 1} such that the cycle structure of s_n can be deduced from s_{n+1}, simply by removing n+1 from its cycle. It is possible to define a uniform measure on the space of virtual permutations. Moreover, in a joint work with A. Nikeghbali, we construct, from a random uniform virtual permutation (s_n)_{n >= 1}, a flow of operators on a suitable random functional space, which can be directly related to the limiting behavior of the cycle structure of s_n when n goes to infinity. Our construction can be extended to more general probability measures on the space of virtual permutations.

Sep 19-21, Cincinnati Symposium on Probability Theory and Applications

Sep 24, Wed, No meeting

Oct, 1, Wed, Yizao Wang

Seminar Room, French Hall 4206, 3:35-4:25pm

This talk will conclude the previous two talks on the Hammond-Sheffield model. We talk about how results can be generalized to random fields.

Oct 8, Wed, Wlodek Bryc

Seminar Room, French Hall 4206, 3:35-4:25pm

Title: Asymptotic normality of largest eigenvalue for non-centered random matrices

Oct 15, Wed, No meeting

Instead: two talks by Michael Lacey from GIT this week:

Futurama, Oct 16, Thursday, 4pm, 500 Swift Hall.

One (is the loneliest function), Oct 17, Friday, 4pm, 3220 Recreation Center.

Oct 22, Wed, David Barrera

Seminar Room, French Hall 4206, 3:35-4:25pm

Title: An Example of non-quenched Convergence in the Conditional CLT for Discrete Fourier Transforms

Abstract: A recent result by Barrera and Peligrad shows that the quenched Central Limit Theorem holds for the Fourier transforms of a stationary process in $L^2$ if a ''random'' centering is used. In this talk we show that this is a necessary condition by providing an example, in the spirit of a previous construction by Volny and Woodroofe, of a process satisfying the hypothesis of such theorem for which the discrete Fourier transforms (DFF), without random centering, do not satisfy a quenched limit theorem. The DFF of this process, by previous results by Peligrad and Wu, satisfy the corresponding CLT in the ''annealed'' sense.

Along the construction we specialize our study to the case of linear processes, which in particular brings in a discussion about 1. the representation of square-integrable periodic functions via Fourier series (and their ''stochastic'' manifestation) and 2. the Law of the Iterated Logarithm for the periodogram, both of them topics of relevance by themselves.

Oct 29, Wed, David Barrera

Seminar Room, French Hall 4206, 3:35-4:25pm

David will continue the talk from last week.

Nov 5, Wed, Ju-Yi Yen

Seminar Room, French Hall 4206, 3:35-4:25pm

Title: A different look of the Ito formula

Abstract: We introduce the concept of instant independence for certain anticipating stochastic processes and take the class of instantly independent stochastic processes as a counterpart of adapted stochastic processes for the Ito formula. Then we define the stochastic integral of a stochastic process which is a linear combination of instantly independent and adapted stochastic processes. We also show that if such decomposition exists, it is unique.

Nov 12, Wed, Magda Peligrad

Seminar Room, French Hall 4206, 3:35-4:25pm

Title: Empirical spectral distribution and spectral density.

Abstract: We form a random matrix by using independent copies of a stochastic process. Then we form the covariance matrix by multiplying with its transpose. We shall relate the limiting empirical eigenvalue distribution of the covariance matrix to the process spectral density.

Nov 19, Wed, Jacek Wesolowski, Warsaw University of Technology

Seminar Room, French Hall 4206, 3:35-4:25pm

Title: Discrete bayesian graphical models and extensions of the hyper-Dirichlet distribution

Abstract: The classical Dirichlet distribution is a familiar conjugate prior in multinomial bayesian models, when no conditional structure is imposed on the vector under study. When the conditional structure is imposed through a graph encoding conditional indpendences between components of the vector, the standard conjugate prior is hyper-Dirichlet defined by Dawid and Lauritzen (1993). Here we present an extension of hyper-Dirichlet together with new characterizations through, so called local and global independence of prameters. This characterization extends the result for the complete graph (and classical Dirichlet) proved by Geiger and Heckermann (1997). This is a joint work with Helene Massam (York Univ., Toronto, Canada).

Nov 26 Thanksgiving, No meeting

Dec 3, Wed

Spring 2014 Fall 2013

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