Mucha suerte para todos

Fecha de publicación: 14-mar-2010 10:46:36

Los diferentes países nos mandan sus mensajes deseándonos suerte en nuestra fase del concurso y comentándonos cómo les ha ido a ellos.

"We had a great day at Cranleigh. The students really enjoyed both tests.

Good luck to Spain and Andorra for this week."

Judy (Escocia)

"Dear all,

Very best wishes and good luck for today!"

Rod (Australia)

"Dear all,

Merci infiniment...Thank you so much for evrything...Grazie...Muchas gracias...

Best wishes andhave a nice day! Bonne chance.."

Nqdia (Túnez)

Dear Spanish friends,

good luck for March 18th!

Buona fortuna!

Alessandra e Annalisa (Italia)

Good luck again to Spain and Andorra from Italy!

Audaces fortuna iuvat

xxx Alessandra and Annalisa with all the Cicero Italian team

Now it is your turn, Cristina and Milagros in Spain, Christian and Venancio in Andorra. We wish you good luck and a great Friday and Saturday in a few days.

Patrick Voisin (Francia)

Nosotros también les mandamos uno a todos ellos para desearles suerte

Cari amici ab Europa et orbis regionibus

a.d. XV kalendas apriles Hispani alumni Ciceroniana experientia habebunt. In eorum nomine vobis secundum fatum valde opto.

¡Buena suerte!

Good luck!

Bonne chance!

Buona fortuna!