
Welcome to the commutative algebra course webpage.

For registered students: attendance is recommended.

Homework: hand-in homework every two weeks; 5 hand-in homeworks in total.

Marking policy: 15% Homework (3 points each time, the lowest one raised to 3 points)

When and Where: Mon 16-17 L3 Thu 12-13 L4 Fri 9-10 L5

Revision session: 9 am 18th May at H0.51

Office hour: Fri 10-11 or by appointment Open-door on Friday Where: B1.32(Zeeman Building)

Contact email: C.Li.25 at warwick blabla

Teaching Assistants: Alessandro Bigazzi Vladimir Eremichev

Problem session (From the second week): Mon 18-19 MA_B3.02 Thu 13-14 L5

Texts: Undergraduate Commutative Algebra by Reid

Ideals, Varieties, and Algorithms by Cox, Little, O'Shea

Stack Project - Commutative Algebra

Commutative Algebra with a View toward Algebraic Geometry by Eisenbud

Introduction to Commutative Algebra by Atiyah, MacDonald

Topics: Gröbner bases, ideals and modules, localization, integral closure, varieties, Noetherian rings, primary decomposition, valuations and dimension

Lecture notes: Lecture Notes

Homework: Homework 1 solution

Homework 2 solution

Homework 3 solution

Homework 4 solution

Homework 5 solution

Past exams: 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012