Christos Dimitrakakis
Publications CV TORCS Beliefbox [Availability] [Neuchatel/Oslo/Chalmers] [Email: full,name at - GPG Key]
Current group members
Hortence Nana (Neuchatel), PhD student
Elif Ylimaz (Neuchatel), PhD student
Jakub Tluczek (Neuchatel), PhD student
Victor Villin (Neuchatel), PhD student on reinforcement learning.
Andreas Athanasopoulos (Neuchatel), PhD student on fairness.
Anne-Marie George (Oslo), Postdoctoral researcher on computational social choice under uncertainty.
Meirav Segal (Oslo), PhD Student on fairness in AI.
Emilio Jorge (Chalmers), PhD student on uncertainty in reinforcement learning .
Past members and collaborators
Thomas Kleine Βüning (Turing Institute), ex-PhD.
Milad Maleki Pirbazari (Volvo), ex-PostDoc
Hannes Eriksson (Zenseact), ex-PhD
Divya Grover (Boeing), ex-PhD
Debabrota Basu (INRIA), CR1., ex-PostDoc
Aristide Tossou (LG AI). ex-PhD
David Parkes (Harvard), Professor.
Paul Tylkin (Harvard), PhD student (David Parkes).
Goran Radanovic (MPI SWS), Group Leader.
Yang Liu (UCSC), Professor.
Ronald Ortner (University of Leoben), Professor
Maryam Kamgarpour (EPFL), Assistant Professor
26 July 2024: ICML Workshop on Models of Human Feedback for AI Alignment, organised with Thomas Buening, Harshit Sikchi, Scott Niekum, Constantin Rothkopf, Aadirupa Saha, Lirong Xia
Research topics
Reinforcement learning
Collaborative AI
Efficient Exploration
Safety and Risk
Differential privacy
Bayesian inference and uncertainty
I offer MSc theses in the above areas.
Machine Learning: Theory, Fairness, Privacy (MSc, Neuchatel, Autumn 24)
Introduction to Machine Learning (BSc, Neuchatel, Autumn 24)
Artificial Intelligence (BSc, Neuchatel, Spring 24)
Machine Learning and Data Mining (MSc, Neuchatel, Autumn 23)
Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making Under Uncertainty (Neuchatel, Spring 23)
Advanced topics in Learning and Decision Making (Neuchatel, Spring 23)
Fairness and Privacy in Machine Learning (Neuchatel, Autumn 22)
Advanced Topics in Learning, Privacy and Fairness (Neuchatel, Autumn 22)
Intuitive statistics (digital skills, data visualisation) (Neuchatel, Autumn 22)
Selected papers
Environment Design for Inverse Reinforcement Learning, ICML 2024
Eliciting Kemeny Rankings, AAMAS 2024
Minimax-Bayes Reinforcement Learning, AISTATS 2023.
On Meritocracy in Optimal Set Selection. Student paper award at EAAMO'22.
SENTINEL: Taming Uncertainty with Ensemble-based Distributional Reinforcement Learning. Presented at UAI2022.
Interactive Inverse Reinforcement Learning for Cooperative Games, Cooperative-AI@NeurIPS 2021 (Best Paper Award). Presented at ICML2022.
Inferential Induction, I Cannot Believe It's Not Better@NeurIPS 2020
A Novel Individually Rational Objective In Multi-Agent Multi-Armed Bandit: Algorithms and Regret Bounds, AAMAS 2020
Bayesian Reinforcement Learning via Deep, Sparse Sampling, AISTATS 2020.
Bayesian fairness, AAAI 2019.
Multi-View Decision Processes, [poster] [video] [slides] NIPS 2017.
Calibrated fairness In bandits, FATML-17.
Differential privacy for Bayesian Inference through posterior sampling, JMLR, 2017.