
"Belief or Consequences", Semantics and Pragmatics 15, 2022, co-authored with Yael Sharvit.

"Qualities and Translations", Linguistics and Philosophy, 2019, co-authored with Yael Sharvit.  

G-marking and Discourse Givenness”, ms., Keio University.

Contrastive Topic, Focus and Givenness”, in Claire Halpert, Coppe van Urk and Hadas Kotek (eds.) A Pesky Set: Papers for David Pesetsky, 2017.  

Anaphora, Deaccenting and Context Incrementation”, in Hiroki Egashira, Hisatsugu Kitahara, Kazuo Nakazawa, Tadao Nomura, Masayuki Oishi, Akira Saizen and Motoko Suzuki (eds.) In Untiring Pursuit of Better Alternatives: より良き代案を絶えず求めて, 2015, pp. 423-434.  

Focus and Givenness Across the Grammar”, in Tsuyoshi Murata, Koji Mineshima and Daisuke Bekki (eds.) New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, Springer, 2015, 200-222.  

The Phonology of Accent”, in Reports of the Keio Institute of Cultural and Linguistic Studies 46, 2015 (forthcoming).  

With Makoto Kanazawa and Junri Shimada, “Singular Pronouns Bound by Plural Quantifiers”, in Reports of the Keio Institute of Cultural and Linguistic Studies 45, 2014.  

Condition B”, in Lisa Lai-Shen Cheng and Norbert Corver (eds.), Diagnosing Syntax, Oxford University Press, July 2013.  

The Interpretation of Indefinites in the Japanese wh-mo Construction,” (with Miyuki Yamashina) in Kook-Hee Gil, Stephen Harlow and George Tsoulas eds. Strategies of Quantification, Oxford University Press, 2013, pp. 87-100.  

Weak NPIs as Double Scope Quantifiers,” Keio, 2013 (with Kiyomi Kusumoto), Reports of the Keio Institute of Cultural and Linguistic Studies 44, 2013.  

Toward an Analysis of Negative Polarity Items,” in Reports of the Keio Institute of Cultural and Linguistic Studies 43, 2012, pp. 279-294.  

Rigid Designation and Frege's Puzzle,” in CARLS Series of Advanced Study of Logic and Sensibility, Vol. 4, Keio University, 2011, pp. 185-196.  

"Condition B as an Epiphenomenon," in CARLS Series of Advanced Study of Logic and Sensibility, Vol. 3, Keio University, 2010.  

Six Names Cicero, and Why One Model is Never Enough,” in Poetica: Current issues in generative grammar and language acquisition, vol. 70, 2008.  

Multiple Models,” report for The Center for Advanced Research on Logic and Sensibility, 2008, pp. 1-32.  

Focus, Focus Types, and Associative Operators,” in Reports of the Keio Institute of Cultural and Linguistic Studies 39, 2008, pp. 1-62.  

「合成的意味論」(Compositional Semantics), in Toshikazu Hasegawa, Takane Ito and Christine Lamarre (eds.)心とことば--進化と認知科学のアプローチから, The University of Tokyo Press, 2008, pp. 97-112.  合成的意味論.pdf  (English Original:  Compositional Semantics.pdf )

A Multi-Model Modal Analysis of I-Semantics:  Part 2, Identity and Attitudes,” in Yukio Otsu (ed.) Proceedings of the Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics 8, 2007, pp. 21-55.  

"Review of Ken Safir’s The Syntax of Anaphora," English Linguistics, Vol. 23 No. 2, 2006, pp. 573-592.  

with Kiyomi Kusumoto,「意味論」(Semantics), in Nakajima Heizo (ed.) 言語の事典 (Encyclopedia of Language), Asakura Shoten, 2005 pp. 83-108. フレーゲと浩成性意味論 動的意味論 意味関係 時間、世界、イベント 論理学、哲学、言語学から見た

Plural Predicates and Quantifiers,” 言語研究の宇宙 The World of Linguistic Research:  A Festschrift for Kinsuke Hasegawa on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday, Kaitakusha, Tokyo, 2005, pp. 14-28.  

With Miyuki Yamashina, “Degenerate Plurals,” In Emar Maier, Corien Bary, and Janneke Huitink, editors, Proceedings of SuB9, 2005, pp. 522-537.  

Associative Operators Revisited,” Gengo Kenkyu 125, 2004, pp. 1-52.  

Review of Anaphora:  A Reference Guide,” Studies in English Literature, English Number 45, 2004, pp. 258-265.  

De Se Interpretation and VP Ellipsis,” English Linguistics, vol. 19, no. 2, 2002, pp. 308-334.   

“WH-setsu to ‘mo’ no douteki sougo kankei,” (The Dynamics of Wh-mo Interaction (English)) (with Miyuki Yamashina), in Takane Ito (ed.) Bunpou Riron: Rekusikon to Tougo (Grammatical Theory: Lexicon and Syntax), Tokyo University Press, 2002, pp. 273-299.  

Dynamic Situations,” Gengo Kenkyu, vol. 119, 2001, pp. 33-76.  

Review of Ayumi Ueyama’s ‘Two Types of Dependency’,” GLOT International, Vol. 5, no. 2, 2001.  

Semantic Anaphora and Discourse Licensing: New Foundations for a Binding Theory,” Asian GLOW Proceedings, Nanzan University, 2000, pp. 385-406.

Review of ‘Studies in English Linguistics: A Festschrift for Akira Ota’,” English Linguistics, 1999.  

Pronouns, Definite Descriptions, and Anaphoric Quantification,” in Proceedings of Sophia University Linguistic Society 13, 1998, pp. 29-48.  

Pronouns and Perspectives,” in Hans Bennis, Pierre Pica and Johan Rooryck (eds.) Atomism and Binding, Foris 1997, pp. 381-407.  

Intricacies of Identity,” English Linguistics, vol. 13, 1996, pp. 309-337.  

Eliminating Binding Theory,” GLOW Newsletter, no. 34, Spring, 1995, pp. 58-9.  

Essentials of Modern English Grammar, (with Kunihiko Imai, Heizo Nakajima and Shigeo Tonoike), Kenkyusha, 1995. “

Review of Fiengo and May’s Indices and Identity,” Studies in English Literature, English Volume 1995, pp. 136-47.  

“Identity, Dependency and Binding: Consequences for the Minimalist Program,” Studies in English Literature, vol. LXXI, no. 2, p. 230-1, 1995.

The Interaction of Syntax and Pragmatics,” Explorations in English Linguistics, No. 9, The English Linguistics Society, Tohoku University, 1993, pp. 83-100.  

Deletion, Deaccenting and Presupposition, Ph.D. Dissertation, MIT Working Papers in Linguistics, MIT, Cambridge, 1992.  

Syntactic Association with Focus,” in Denise Meyer, Satoshi Tomioka, and Leyla Zidani-Eroglu (eds.) Proceedings from the First Meeting of the Formal Linguistic Society of Mid-America, University of Wisconsin at Madison, 1990, pp. 289-303.  

Unpublished manuscripts 

De Se and De Dicto

John Only EATS Rice

Scoping Over Epistemics

A Multi-Model Modal Theory of I-Semantics, Part I: Modals

Not only even but even only