
I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at the London School of Economics.

My research explores how search frictions affect sorting in matching markets such as the labour market. I have studied the rationale behind sparse product lines, and worked on higher-order beliefs—beliefs about other players' beliefs—and their manipulation in games of incomplete information. More recent work explores menu pricing in oligopolistic and competitive environments.

To get in touch, contact me at c.sandmann@lse.ac.uk. Here  is my CV. 

I have just started a blog on ideas past and present in game theory. A colleague asked me why I don't mention the future. I would say to this that you cannot know the future if you don't know the past. And since the future seems to be exceedingly focused on data, I thought that I would focus on the issues that will hardly come to the fore unless you are willing to put on your theory goggles at least once in a while.

So here we are. If you think that my papers are too long or too niche, you can still follow my latest jottings on theholdupproblem.com. I hope to see you around.