
Costa Florêncio, C., PhD.


Postdoctoral researcher, working on the CoSyne Statistical Machine Translation project.

Informatics Institute

Information and Language Processing Systems

University of Amsterdam

Science Park 904

1098 XG Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Office: C3.226

E-mail: "first name" . "last name" (AT) uva (DOT) nl

Phone: +31 (0)20-525-5359

Fax: +31 (0)20-525-7490

My page at ILPS

My Erdős number is three (I coauthored with Jan Van den Bussche who coauthored with Andreas R. Blass who coauthored with Paul Erdős).

My Dijkstra distance is four.

Professional interests:

Grammar induction, Formal learning theory

Graph theory, esp graph languages and -grammars

Functional- and logic programming

Complexity theory (esp parameterized complexity)

Software engineering

Natural language processing, esp Statistical Machine Translation and linguistic formalisms