

Efficient Child Care Subsidies, joint with Nicola Pavoni, American Economic Review, 2020. Link WP

Deadlier Road Accidents? Traffic Safety Regulations and Heterogeneous Motorists’ Behavior, joint with Madhav Aney, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2019. Link WP

Optimal Disability Insurance with Informal Child Care, The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 2019. Link WP

Welfare-to-Work Reform and Intergenerational Support: Grandmothers' Response to the 1996 PRWORA, Journal of Marriage and Family, 2015. Link WP

Welfare Reform and At-Risk Mothers' Labour Supply, Economic Papers, 2013. Link WP


Strategic Parent Meets Detached Child? Parental Intended Bequest Division and Support from Children, Demography, 2022. Link WP

Child's Gender, Parental Monetary Investments and Care of Elderly Parents in China, Review of Economics of the Household, 2019. Link WP

Incense Burning during Pregnancy and Birth Weight and Head Circumference among Term Births: The Taiwan Birth Cohort Study, joint with Le-Yu ChenEnvironmental Health Perspectives, 2016. Link WP

Grandchild Care, Intergenerational Transfers and Grandparents' Labor Supply, Review of Economics of the Household, 2015. Link WP 

Testing for Indirect Reciprocity in Charitable Activities, Economics Bulletin, 2013. Link


Childlessness and Sibling Positioning in Upward Intergenerational Support: Insights from Singapore, joint with Dahye Kim and Bussarawan Teerawichitchainan, Journal of Marriage and Family, 2024. Link

Childlessness, Social Network Profiles in Midlife and Late Adulthood, and Their Implications for Subjective Well-being, joint with Dahye Kim and Bussarawan Teerawichitchainan, Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 2024. Link

Diverse Pathways to Childlessness in Singapore: A Latent Class Approach, joint with Yanwen Wang and Bussarawan Teerawichitchainan, Advances in Life Course Research, 2024. Link

Risk Attitudes in Late Adulthood: Do Parenthood Status and Family Size Matter?, joint with Bussarawan Teerawichitchainan, Joanne Tan, and Eugene Tan, Research on Aging, 2023. Link

Book Chapters

Providing Child Care, joint with Sunha Myong, in Hoon, H.T. (Ed), Singapore’s Economic Dynamism and Inclusion. Routledge, 2021. Link WP