

Herbert Wilf's generatingfunctionology [pdf]

Concrete Mathematics by Knuth and Patashnik [pdf]

Israel Gelfand's Algebra [pdf] and Trigonometry [pdf]

numdam [link]

project euclid [link]

arxiv [link] [link]

encyclopedia of mathematics [link]

MIT OpenCoursWare [link]

Some timeless papers

Riemann: Habilitationsvortrag: [pdf]

Ross: An application of the theoy of probabilities to the study of a priori pathometry [pdf]

Lamport/Shostak/Pease on the Byzantine general problem: [pdf]

Schrödinger: Über die Umkehrung der Naturgesetze: [pdf]

Arnold: Representation of continuous functions of several variables: [pdf]

Condorcet: Essai sur l'application de l'analyse à la probabilité des décisions rendues à la pluralité des voix: [pdf]