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Dr. Christian Rauh
A responsive technocracy?
Which policy for Europe?
Data and Resources
Blog et al.
Kommunikationsdefizite in der EU-Politik
Die EU im Parlament (Interview)
Country mentions in EC press releases
Is Europe that hard to explain?
Demokratie, grenzenlos? (Science Slam Video)
Why so much fuss about one supranational official?
Legislative proposals from the European Commission 1985-2016
beRechnen & Beschreiben
Scholars, public intellectuals, pundits?
BREXIT is wrong and should thus be implemented quickly
Big Data in the social sciences
A German term-level dictionary of EU references for automated text analysis
GEG Corpus Explorer
OPTED WP5 Inventory
Dr. Christian Rauh
A responsive technocracy?
Which policy for Europe?
Data and Resources
Blog et al.
Kommunikationsdefizite in der EU-Politik
Die EU im Parlament (Interview)
Country mentions in EC press releases
Is Europe that hard to explain?
Demokratie, grenzenlos? (Science Slam Video)
Why so much fuss about one supranational official?
Legislative proposals from the European Commission 1985-2016
beRechnen & Beschreiben
Scholars, public intellectuals, pundits?
BREXIT is wrong and should thus be implemented quickly
Big Data in the social sciences
A German term-level dictionary of EU references for automated text analysis
GEG Corpus Explorer
OPTED WP5 Inventory
A responsive technocracy?
Which policy for Europe?
Data and Resources
Blog et al.
Kommunikationsdefizite in der EU-Politik
Die EU im Parlament (Interview)
Country mentions in EC press releases
Is Europe that hard to explain?
Demokratie, grenzenlos? (Science Slam Video)
Why so much fuss about one supranational official?
Legislative proposals from the European Commission 1985-2016
beRechnen & Beschreiben
Scholars, public intellectuals, pundits?
BREXIT is wrong and should thus be implemented quickly
Big Data in the social sciences
A German term-level dictionary of EU references for automated text analysis
GEG Corpus Explorer
OPTED WP5 Inventory
OPTED WP5 Inventory