

Strategy-Proof and Envy-Free Random Assignment, Journal of Economic Theory, April 2023, joint with Lars Ehlers -- final WP-version

Aiding Applicants: Leveling the Playing Field within the Immediate Acceptance Mechanism, Review of Economic Design, Januar 2023, joint with Marco Mantovani -- final WP-version

Characterising Scoring Rules by their Solution in Iteratively Undominated Strategies, Economic Theory, September 2022 -- open access, funded by Projekt DEAL

How Lotteries in School Choice Help to Level the Playing Field, Games and Economic Behavior, September 2021, joint with Bettina Klaus und Dorothea Kübler -- final WP-version

Fair Solutions to the Random Assignment Problem, Journal of Mathematical Economics, December 2018 -- final WP-version.

Cognitive Ability and Games of School Choice, Games and Economic Behavior, May 2018, joint with Marco Mantovani -- open access, funded by UNU-WIDER.

Characterising Equilibrium Selection in Global Games with Strategic Complementarities, Journal of Economic Theory, November 2013, joint with Tijmen Daniëls and Frank Heinemann -- final WP-version.

Every Symmetric 3x3 Global Game of Strategic Complementarities has Noise Independent Selection, Journal of Mathematical Economics, December 2011, joint with Tijmen Daniëls -- final WP-version.

Working Papers

On (constrained) efficiency of strategy-proof random assignment , joint with Lars Ehlers

Coalitional Manipulations and Immunity of the Shapley Value, joint with Frank Hüttner

Work in Progress

Testing Notions of Strategic Simplicity, joint with Mikhail Freer and Ahrash Dianat

Electing Moderates, joint with Marco Mantovani