

This a non-comprehensive list of resources that have been recommended by subscribers to chr-astro. By including an item, we do not necessarily endorse it, but we do suggest that it may be of interest to many of our subscribers. (Links checked August 2020)

Organizations, websites, e-forums

American Scientific Affiliation (ASA) An active organization for all types of scientists who are Christians, particularly in the United States. They publish a bi-monthly journal, and a (very useful) bi-monthly newsletter on the science & faith activities of its members and others, including outreach to churches and schools, conferences on science & faith, etc.

AAAS Dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Religion From the American Association for the Advancement of Science. An active email discussion group on science & faith topics, aimed at ASA members.

Canadian Scientific & Christian Affiliation A Canadian organization similar to the ASA.

Christians in Science A British organization similar to the ASA.

Faculty Commons A Campus Crusade for Christ organization for Christian faculty in all academic fields, primarily in the United States. Check out their Leadership University project.

Faraday Institute Scholarly research on science and religion. Named after Michael Farady, one of Britain's best scientists, who saw his faith as integral to his scientific research.

InterVarsity Graduate Student & Faculty Ministry An organization for Christian grad students and faculty in all academic fields, primarily at United States universities.

Interdisciplinary Documentation on Religion and Science, associated with the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome, Italy. general editor Fr. Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti. A large anthology of selected writings and a dynamic online encyclopedia.

Reasons to Believe An organization run by Hugh Ross, presenting an old universe as God's creation.

The Templeton Foundation Funds and coordinates a variety of activities related to science & religion. They have commissioned essays from a wide range of views on Big Questions, such as "Does the Universe have a purpose?"

Vatican Observatory founded by Pope Leo XIII in 1891, and an active research center.

Web resources and articles from chr-astro members

Bruce Booher. Mystery and Awe in Faith and Science. A nice collection of quotes and resources on the wonder we experience in the natural world and how it relates to faith.

Dunlop, John. An article ("Science and Faith: a close embrace?") plus references to many books and resources.

Hrivnak, Bruce. "Glorious are the Works of the Lord: Studying the Heavens". 2001 Rubel Lecture in Christianity and Higher Learning (Valparaiso University).

Newquist, David. A complete book: Natural Science and Christian Faith.

Keel, Bill. "A Non-Dialogue on the Two Great World Systems." Mercury, 1995, vol. 24, number 6, pages 12-15.

Ross, Hugh A complete organization (Reasons to Believe) and several published books.

Tanzella-Nitti, Giuseppe, editor. Interdisciplinary Documentation of Religion and Science.


(Other books by the same authors may also be of interest).

Alexander, Dennis. Rebuilding the Matrix.

Barbour, Ian. When Science Meets Religion. 2000, Harper, ISBN 006060381X

Barbour, Ian. Religion and Science:Historical and Contemporary Issues. 1997, Harper, ISBN 0-06-060938-9

Chappell and Cook (editors). Not Just Science: Questions Where Christian Faith and Natural Science Intersect. 2005, Zondervan. # ISBN-10: 0310263832

# ISBN-13: 978-0310263838.

The chapter on astronomy and cosmology was written by chr-astro member Jennifer Wiseman

Committee for Integrity in Science Education Staff. Teaching Science in a Climate of Controversy: A View from the American Scientific Affiliation. 1986, ASA Press, ISBN 1881479005

Recommended Resources for Parents and Teachers:

Kober, G. V., Benecchi, S. D., and Gossard, P. 2015. The Crossroads of Science and Faith: Astronomy Through a Christian Worldview. Glimpse of His Splendor Publishing. Damascus, MD.

Collins, Francis. The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief. 2006, Free Press

Danielson, Dennis Richard. The Book of the Cosmos: Imagining the Universe from Heraclitus to Hawking. 2000, Perseus, ISBN 0738202479

Dick, Steven, ed. Many Worlds. 2000, Templeton Foundation, ISBN 1890151424

Ferngren, Gary. Science and Religion: A Historical Introduction.

Fischer, Robert. God Did It, But How? 1997, ASA Press, ISBN 1881479021

Giglio, Louis. Indescribable: 100 Devotions for Kids About God and Science. 2017. Thomas Nelson

Giglio, Louis. How Great Is Our God: 100 Indescribable Devotions About God and Science. 2019. Thomas Nelson.

Recommended resources for pastors or churches:

Flew, Anthony. There is a God: How the World's Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind.

Gingerich, Owen. God's Universe.

Gingerich, Owen. The Book Nobody Read. 2004, Walker & Company, ISBN 0802714153

Glover, Gordon. Beyond the Firmament.

Gonzalez, Guillermo and Richards, Jay Wesley. The Privileged Planet: How Our Place in the Cosmos Is Designed for Discovery. 2004, Regnery Publishing, ISBN 0895260654

Kober, G. V., Benecchi, S. D., and Gossard, P. 2018. The Crossroads of Science and Faith: An Introduction to the Science & Faith Dialogue. Glimpse of His Splendor Publishing. Damascus, MD.

Haarsma, Deborah and Haarsma, Loren. Origins: A Reformed Look at Creation, Design, and Evolution. 2007, Faith Alive Resources, ISBN 978-1-59255-227-6

Harrison, Peter. The Bible, Protestantism, and the Rise of Natural Science. 1998,Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0521000963

Hearn, Walter. Being A Christian in Science. 1997, InterVarsity Press, ISBN 0830818987

Recommended resources for Christian students interested in a career in science:

Hummel, Charles. The Galileo Connection. 1986, InverVarsity Press, ISBN 087784500X

MacKay, Donald. The Open Mind and Other Essays. 1988, InterVarsity Press (in England), ISBN 0851196404

McGrath, Alister. A Fine-Tuned Universe.

Miller, Keith, ed. Perspectives on an Evolving Creation. 2003, Eerdmans, ISBN 0802805124.

The astronomy chapter is written by Jennifer Wiseman and Deborah Haarsma

Molnar, Michael. The Star of Bethlehem: The Legacy of the Magi. 1999, Rutgers, ISBN 0813527015

Numbers, Ronald. The Creationists: The Evolution of Scientific Creationism. 1992, University of California Press, ISBN 0520083938

Numbers, Ronald and Lindberg, David, editors. When Science and Christianity Meet.

Numbers, Ronald, editor. Galileo Goes to Jail and other Myths about Science and Religion. 2009, Harvard University Press.

Russell, Robert J., William Stoeger, and George Coyne, ed. John Paul II on Science and Religion: Reflections on the New View from Rome. 1990, University of Notre Dame Press, ISBN 0268012091

Polkinghorne, John. Belief in God in an Age of Science. 1998, Yale University Press, ISBN 0300072945

Many other books by John Polkinghorne are recommended.

Polkinghorne, John, and Welker, Michael, ed. The End of the World and the Ends of God. 2000, Trinity Press, ISBN 1563383128

Ratzsch, Del. The Battle of the Beginnings. 1996, InterVarsity Press, ISBN 0830815295

Ross, Hugh. The Genesis Question: Scientific Advances and the Accuracy of Genesis. 1998, Navpress, ISBN 1576831116

Tanzella-Nitti, Giuseppe A. Faith, Reason and the Natural Sciences

The Challenge of the Natural Sciences in the Work of Theologians. 2009, Davies Group Aurora. ISBN 9781934542125

Templeton, John Marks, ed. How Large is God?: Voices of Scientists and Theologians. 1997, Templeton Foundation Press, ISBN 1890151017

Contributors from a range of perspectives, including Owen Gingerich and Howard Van Till

Van Till, Howard, Robert E. Snow, John H. Stek, and Davis A. Young. Portraits of Creation: Biblical and Scientific Perspectives on the World's Formation. 1990, Eerdmans, ISBN 0802804853

Walton, John. The Lost World of Genesis One: Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate. 2009, IVP Academic, ISBN 0830837043.

Willard, Dallas. Knowing Christ Today: Why We Can Trust Spiritual Knowledge.


Indescribable. A sermon by Louie Giglio with beautiful astronomical images. Order here.

Religion and Science: Pathways to Truth. Produced by the Wesley Ministry Network, hosted by Francis Collins.

Test of Faith. Produced by the Faraday Institute. 90 minutes, the first 30 minutes addresses Cosmology. Study guide for small groups is available.


Anderson, Porter. "Eilene Theilig: Faith, by Jupiter.", Dec. 11, 2001.

Coyne, George. "God's Chance Creation". August 6, 2005, The Tablet

Father Coyne is the chief astronomer at the Vatican Observatory. Here he argues that random processes in the universe and evolution are not incompatible with belief in a creator.

Davis, Edward "Intelligent Design on Trial." Religion in the News, Winter 2006, Vol 8, No. 3, p.8ff. A balanced discussion of Intelligent Design from a Christian historian of science.

Dorsey, Gary. "Space and Spirit." Baltimore Sun, June 9, 2002, p. 6E.

Interviews with Christians working at the Space Telescope Science Institute.

Downs, Christopher. Essays on Science and Christian Faith.

Larsen, Edward and Witham, Larry "Scientists are still keeping the faith", Nature, 386, 435 (03 April 1997).

Larsen, Edward and Witham, Larry "Leading scientists still reject God", Nature, 394, 313(23 July 1998).

Witham, Larry "Many scientists see God's hand in evolution" Washington Times, 11 April 1997, pA8.

Moll, Rob. "Finding God in the Heavens." Christianity Today online, posted 2004 April 19.

Interviews with some chr-astro members.

Tripp, Dick The Complementary nature of science and Christianity.