
National Cheng Kung University

I was awarded the 2021 Academic Year English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) Teaching Excellence Award. The award recognizes the seven best EMI instructors in the entire University.

I was awarded the 2019 Academic Year Teaching Excellence Award. The award recognizes the four best instructors in the College of Social Sciences.


Principles of Economics I, Fall 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022

Principles of Economics II, Spring 2017, 2018 (two sessions), 2019, 2020, 2021 (two sessions), 2022, 2023

Industrial Organization, Spring 2017, 2020 (English session), Fall 2020 (English session), 2021 (English session), 2022 (English session)

Econometrics I, Spring 2019 (English session), Spring 2022 (English session), 2023 (English session)

2021 Academic Year EMI Teaching Excellence Award 

NCKU President Huey-Jen Jenny Su (left) and me (right)

September 27, 2022

2019 Academic Year Teaching Excellence Award 

NCKU President Huey-Jen Jenny Su (left) and me (right)

September 24, 2020

University of Houston

I was awarded the 2015 Department of Economics Teaching Award. An award to the best instructor among all graduate students. ​


Microeconomic Principles, Spring 2015, Fall 2014, Summer 2014, Spring 2014, Fall 2013

My rating in Rate My Professors.com

Teaching Assistantships:

Intermediate Microeconomics (Undergraduate) Spring 2016, Econometrics (M.A. level) Fall 2015, Introduction to Econometrics (Undergraduate) Summer 2015, Introduction to Game Theory (Undergraduate) Spring 2013, Health Economics (M.A. level) Spring 2012

M.A. Students 

(Listed by year that degree was awarded | thesis title | with initial placement/position)

2020: Li-Wei Chiu 邱瓈葳 | Housework, Life Satisfaction, and Subjective Well-being | Yan Syuan Company Limited/Business development manager

2018: Zhan-Mei Lin 林占梅 | Early Marriage and Intergenerational Consequences of Female Genital Cutting: Evidence from Egypt | Taipei Fubon Commercial Bank