

Jogani, C, Ruiz Sánchez, G. (2023). An Empirical Analysis of Sexual Harassment Case Outcomes in Academia. Economics Bulletin

Amini A, Jogani, C. (2023). Genetic diversity and income inequality: The case for Y chromosome DNA diversity. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance

Presentations: NEUDC (Cornell University, Ithaca); Development Economics and Policy Conference (ETH Zurich, Switzerland); Midwest Economics Association (Evanston, Illinois); Center for Experimental Social Sciences Conference (NYU-CESS, New York); West Bengal Growth Conference (ISI Kolkata, India)

Jogani, C. (2022). Does More Schooling Infrastructure affect Literacy? Journal of Development Effectiveness

Presentations: NARSC (Minneapolis, Minnesota); Annual Conference on Economic Growth and Development (ISI Delhi, India); Winter School (Delhi School of Economics , India)

Jogani, C. (2021). Spatial Analysis of an Education Program and Literacy in India.  Review of Regional Studies