
In the list below, clicking on the author's name should yield the abstract, clicking on the title should yield the paper (when we have it). You can view the programme here.

Author Title

Tasneem Alsayyed Hermeneutical Impasses and Heterogeneity in Marginalized Groups (paper distributed to registered participants only - please ask if it hasn't been sent to you)

Zainab Ashraf Rooted in Silence: The Hermeneutical Injustice of the Urdu Word(s) for Rape

David Austin The Many Faces of So-called ‘Bald-faced Lies’

Lawrence Bamikole Promise as a Speech Act

Matthew Congdon Moral Language and its History

Diego Fontanive Implementing Metamemetic Thinking As An Approach To Implicit Bias Reduction

Eric Bayruns García Conversational Norms and Racial Injustice

David Miguel Gray Linguistic Disobedience (link takes you off this server)

Adrian Green Language and the Organic Intellectual

Nathifa Greene Decolonizing Racial Euphemisms in Trinidadian Society

Rosana Herrero-Martín Moody Narratives: Making Sense of our Emotions and Self-stories

C. P. Hertogh Identification, Analysis, and Interpretation of Metaphorical Indicative Sentences of Subject-Predicate Form

Abigail Klassen The Sex-Ladenness and Romance-Ladenness of Everyday Chit Chat: Revisiting (Introducing?) Asexuality

Adam Klewenhagen Division of Linguistic Labor and its Malfunctions

Kahiudi Mabana Do Africa and the Caribbean Need Francophonie?

Teresa Marques The expression of hate in hate speech

Kiesha Martin Linguistic Identity

Ananya Ravishankar Linguistic Imperialism: Colonial Violence through Language

Jennifer Saul Saying the Quiet Part Loud: The Rise of Explicit Racism in US and UK Political Discourse (Keynote public lecture)

Samuel Soyer Language - Uses and Misuses: What the Poets Know

DeeAnn Spicer “I Didn't Mean It That Way”: Speaker Intention and Sentence Implicature

Voghn-E. Tatem and Martha Marrast Transformative Pedagogy: A Practical Approach to Language Awareness