Short CV

Contact Info

Huang, Chien-Hao



Academic Experience

        Independent Postdoc @ Department of Mathematical Sciences, National Chengchi University, Taiwan. 2021 - 2022          

        Postdoc @ Department of Mathematical Sciences, National Chengchi University, Taiwan. 2020 - 2021  

  Project-appointed (NTT) Assistant Professor @ Dept. of Mathematics, NTU, Taiwan. 2017 - 2020

         Postdoc @ Math Division, NCTS, Taiwan. 2015 - 2017

          Postdoc @ Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan. 2013 - 2015

Research Interest

Probability and related fields: Random polymer models, local times of random walks, Gaussian disordered systems.

Talks in 2022


PhD  2013  Department of Mathematics, University of California-Irivne, USA

Thesis Advisor: Dr. Michael Cranston

Master degree 2005 Math NTU, Taiwan - Concentration on Probability and Financial Math