I am a physics associate professor working on a variety of theoretical problems at University of California, Merced. If you are interested in visiting and/or working with me, please let me know.
I serve as the physics graduate program chair during 2020-2022.
During 2011-2013 I was a Distinguished Oppenheimer Postdoctoral Fellow at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Prior to my arrival at Los Alamos in 2009, I got my PhD in physics from the University of Chicago. Before coming to USA, I obtained my BS and MS degrees from National Taiwan University.
My research interest includes, but is not limited to, superfluids and superconductors, quantum-field theoretical studies of condensed matter systems, non-equilibrium physics of ultra-cold atoms in optical lattices, energy transport in atomic and molecular systems, emergent physics at mesoscopic scale, novel hybrid quantum systems using ultra-cold atoms, ions, photons, and molecules.
For more information, please see my CV on the left. Most of my publications can be found on arXiv .
My records according to Google Scholar .
Email: cchien5 at (for business related to UC Merced) or chienchihchun at