Greetings! ISPP is an alliance of physics teachers from all over the Chicago area. We meet monthly at colleges and high schools around the Chicago area. Our meetings start at 6:30 pm and last until around 8:30 pm. They include some dessert-style snacks and beverages. Any participating teacher is invited to bring a demonstration or other activity to share with the group. The sharing should last 5-15 minutes per participant. Handouts are welcome. We usually have 15-30 participants at the meeting, depending on the date.

Current Year Meeting Schedule:

January 15th (W) - Elmhurst College (Tri-Physics Meeting with Physics West and Physics Northwest)

February 10th (M) - Niles West High School

March 10th (T) - Oakton Community College

April 1st (W) - Lake Forest College

If you wish to host a meeting next year, send an email to Martha Lietz at

CPDU forms are available for employed high school teachers. Please complete the form linked below to complete an evaluation of the meeting you attended and a form will be emailed to you.

Elmhurst Meeting

Niles West Meeting

Oakton Meeting

Lake Forest Meeting

Did you miss a meeting or need a link to a web site that was presented? Click HERE for the collaborative meeting notes page.