
Research Interests

My primary area of research is quantitative marketing and its application in digital marketing practices. The theme of my research is digital transformation. I try to evaluate consumer policies/strategies under digital transformation with various theories and methods:

  • Quantitative Marketing

  • Digital Marketing

  • Consumer Policy

  • Social Network Theory

  • Causal Inference


Chen, X., Van der Lans, R. & Trusov, M. (2021). Efficient Estimation of Network Games of Incomplete Information: Application to Large Online Social Networks. Management Science, 67(12).

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Media Mentions:

Chen, X., Van der Lans, R. & Phan, T. Q. (2017). Uncovering the Importance of Relationship Characteristics in Social Networks: Implications for Seeding Strategies. In Journal of Marketing Research (JMR), 54(2).

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Chen, X., Van der Lans, R. & Trusov, M. (2017). Integrating Social Networks into Marketing Decision Models. In Handbook of Marketing Decision Models.

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Papers Under Review

Empirical Analysis of Two-sided Match in Chinese Mutual Fund Industry

Evaluating and Improving Anti-addiction Policy in Online Gaming

Active Projects

The Effect of Augmented Reality (AR) Tools on Product Returns

Information vs. Price Treatments in Electricity Market

The Role of Social Influence in Online Music Sampling

Do Subsidies of Electric Vehicles Shift Consumer Preferences?