


Chen, Mei-Hua and Wang, Hong-zen, 2021, Flexible Intimacies in Global Intimate Economy: Evidences from Taiwan’s Cross-Border Marriage, Feminist Studies 47(2): 258-278.

陳美華,2019,「性交易的罪與罰-釋字第666號解釋對性交易案件的法律效果」,《台灣民主季刊》(TSSCI), 第16卷第1期 , 頁45 - 88。




Wang, Hong-Zen and Chen, Mei-Hua*, 2017, Discourses on Non-conforming Marriages: Love in Taiwan, International Journal of Japanese Sociology, 26(1): 52-66. First published date: March-30-2017 DOI: 10.1111/ijjs.12063 (*Correspondence author)

Chen, Mei-Hua, 2017, Crossing borders to buy sex- Taiwanese men negotiating gender, class and nationality in the Chinese sex industry, Sexualities, 20(8): 921-942. First published date: February-08-2017 DOI: 10.1177/1363460716676989 (SSCI)

Chen, Mei-Hua, 2015, The “Fake Marriage” Test in Taiwan: Gender, Sexuality, and Border Control,    Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review 4(2): 496﹣518


Chang, Chin-fen and Chen, Mei-hua*, 2013, ‘Dependency, Globalization and Overseas Sex-Related Consumption by East Asians’,  International Journal of Tourism Research, 15(6): 521-534. (SSCI)(*correspondence author)






Chen, Mei-Hua. 2003, 'Les de'sirs sexuels masculins et leurs contradictions:Masculinite', style de vie et sexualite' Le cas des clients de prostitue'es a`Taiwan', Travail, Genre et Societes, no. 10, pp 107-128, Paris: L’Harmatan & the CNRS (The French Center for National Research) (SSCI)







Chen, Mei-Hua, 2020, ‘The social organization of sex work in Taiwan’, in Liu, J. (Ed.), Yamashita, J. (Ed.). Routledge Handbook of East Asian Gender Studies, pp 144-156, London: Routledge. (peer reviewed/經同儕評審)

陳美華,2019, 〈美髮作為身體工作:從苦勞到美感協商的身體化勞動〉,收於張晉芬、陳美華主編《工作的身體性:服務與文化產業的性別與勞動展演》,頁283-328,台北:巨流圖書公司。


Chen, Mei-Hua, 2014, ‘Negotiating masculinities: Taiwanese men’s use of commercial sex’, in Mark McLelland and Vera Mackie (eds), Routledge Handbook of Sexuality Studies in East Asia, pp. 316-328. London and New York: Routledge


Chen, Mei-Hua, 2012, ‘Sexualité et ethnicité dans le tourisme sexuel. Les consommateurs taïwanais de sexe à Dongguan’ In T. Angeloff & M. Lieber (Eds.), Chinoises au XXIe siècle: Ruptures et continuities, pp. 195-213. Paris: La Découverte.

Chen, Mei-Hua, 2008, ‘Sex and work in sex work: negotiating sex and work among Taiwanese sex workers’ in Stevi Jackson and Liu Jieyu with Woo Juhyun (eds), East Asian Sexualities: Modernity, Gender and New Sexual Cultures, pp. 104-122. London: Zed Books(peer reviewed/經同儕評審)

Chen, Mei-Hua, 2006, ‘Selling bodies / selling pleasure: the social organization of sex work in Taiwan’ in G. Gangoli and N. Westmarland (eds) International Approaches to Prostitution: Law and Policy in Europe and Asia, pp.165-184. Bristol: Policy Press(peer reviewed/經同儕評審)






陳美華,2009,「性別」, 瞿海源、王振寰主編,《社會學與臺灣社會》(精簡本III版),頁123-143,台北:巨流。

陳美華,2009,「 性別」, 瞿海源、王振寰主編,《社會學與臺灣社會》(第III版),頁129-156,台北:巨流。





2023 Making Senses of Intimate Economy: Material Transactions in Extramarital Relationships in Taiwan, presented to Intimacy and Family Life: Multiple Perspectives International Symposium, 19-20th June, 2023 at National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan.

2022 楊又欣、陳美華,「不要在我家旁邊」:性隔離的空間政治,發表於女學會2022年度研討會,2022/10/01,臺北:臺灣大學。

2021 流動的性道德劃界:高雄性產業周邊居民的生存心態 ,發表於看見南方:2021南台灣社會研討會,2021/11/06,高雄:中山大學。

2020 挑戰異性戀常規性:在婚外性中協商親密自我的女性,發表於2020臺灣社會學會年會,2020/11/29,臺北:政治大學。

2016, Theorizing body work in Taiwanese beauty saloon, paper presented to the 23rd Pacific Science Congress, 30 May- 3 Jun 2016 at Sinica, Taiwan

2016, Divided legal mobilizations on commercial sex in anti-trafficking era in Taiwan, paper presented to the Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference 2016, 5-7 Apr 2016 at Lancaster University, UK

2015 「嘿,我要剪阿妹的髮型」:從苦勞到美感協商的肉體化政治,發表於2015年台灣社會學年會,2015/11/20-21,高雄:中山大學。

2015  When a female researcher studies men who buying sex abroad: reflections on the intersections of gender, class and sexuality in the field, paper presented to the 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association 2015, 25-28 Aug 2015 at Prague, Czech

2014  不平等的性遷移:「大陸妹」與「買春團」的跨國敘事,發表於2014年台灣社會學年會,2014/12/06-12/07,新竹:清華大學。

2014  Don’t Dress Like a Xiaojie—Negotiating Gender, Class and Heterosexual Sex in Sex Tourism among Taiwanese Men. Paper presented at the Translating Chinese Masculinities: Chinese Men in Global Contexts, Hong Kong, December 12-13.

2014  "Gendered Sexual Migration Across Taiwan Strait." Paper presented at the 18th World Congress of Sociology of the International Sociological Association, Yokohama, Japan, July 13-19.

2014  Mei-Hua Chen and Wang, Wei-Pang, "Gendered Differences on the Attitudes and Solutions Toward Extramarital Sex in Taiwan." Paper presented at the 18th World Congress of Sociology of the International Sociological Association, Yokohama, Japan, July 13-19.

2013  性工作治理及其排除政治,發表於2013年台灣政治學年會,2013/11/30-12/01,高雄:中山大學。

2013  Chen, Mei-Hua and Wang, Wei-Pang, ‘Heteronormativity Prism: Gendered Attitudes toward Extramarital Sex and Homosexuality in Taiwan’, 發表於「2013年台灣社會學會年會」,2013/11/30-12/01,台北:政治大學。

2013  Chen, Mei-Hua and Wang, Wei-Pang, ‘Gendered Attitudes toward Extramarital Sex and Homosexuality in Taiwan’, paper presented to Taiwan Social Chang Survey 2013 Symposium on Gender, Family and Sexuality, Sep 13-14, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taipei

2013  ‘Sexualized border control: the investigation of “phoney-marriage” and the exclusion of Chinese migrant/sex workers’, invited talk gave at International Symposium of Sexuality in East Asia at Kyoto University, May 18 2013, Kyoto, Japan

2013  Taiwanese Men Who Buy Sex in Dongguan: Exploring Intersectionality of Gender, Sexuality and Nationality, paper presented to British Sociology Annual Conference, Apr 3-5 2013, Grand Connaught Room, Lodon

2012  ‘Enjoy the feeling of ‘falling in love’: practices of intimacies of Taiwanese sex tourists in Dongguan, paper presented in Connecting Sexual Ethics and Politics conference, 29-31 August 2012 at Ghent, Belgium    

2012  Taiwanese Men Who Buy Sex in Dongguan: Exploring Intersectionality of Gender, Nationality and Sexuality, paper resented to Symposium on ‘Beyond the East West Divide: Gender, Intimacy and Modernity, May 24-25 2012, Hong Kong: The University of Hong Kong

2011  Taiwanese Men Who Buy Sex in Dongguan: Exploring Intersectionality of Sexuality and Nationality in Sex Tourism, 發表於「2011年台灣社會學會年會」,2011/12/10-11,台北:台灣大學。

2011  台灣男性的跨國性消費:初探性/別、階級與族群的交織政治,發表於「第三屆中國性研究國際學術研討會」,2011/06/21-23,北京:中國人民大學。

2010   層層剝削?互利共生?──兩岸性交易網絡中的性別、階級與族群政治,發表於「第二屆兩岸三地性/別政治新局勢」學術研討會,2010/09/11-12,中壢:中央大學。

2010  Chang, Chin-fen and Chen, Mei-hua, Class and Occupational Divide of Sex Tourism by East Asian, paper presented on VXII ISA World Congress of Sociology 11-17 Jul at Gothenburg, Sweden

2009  層層剝削?互利共生?──兩岸性交易網絡中的性別、階級與族群政治,發表於「商業性性交易:法律與公共政策專家圓桌會議」,2009/11/28-30,廈門:國家會計學院。

2009 張晉芬、陳美華, ‘Sex tourism by Taiwanese: where did they go and who are they?’,發表於台灣社會變遷基本調查第十四次研討會暨2009東亞社會調查研討會,2009/11/18,台北:中央研究院。

2009  ‘Sexualized border control: the investigation of “phoney-marriage” and the exclusion of Chinese migrant / sex workers’, paper presented in the Gendering East / West conference, 8-10 July at University of York, UK

2008  層層剝削?互利共生?﹣﹣兩岸性交易網絡中的剝削機制,發表於台灣社會學會年會《解嚴二十年台灣社會的整合與分歧》,2008/12/13-14,台北:中央研究院。

2008  ‘Caught between transnational marriage and transnational prostitution: Chinese migrant sex workers in Taiwan’, paper presented in the 10th International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women’s World 2008, 3-9 Jul 08 at University of Madrid, Spain

2008 管制婚姻、圍堵賣淫:反人口販運下國家的親密想像與性控制,發表於親密關係:性、國家與權力小型研討會,2008/05/23,台中:東海大學。

2007  「老師,要拉皮條嗎?」:兩岸性交易網絡中的階級、族群與性別展演初探,發表於台灣社會學會年會《台灣與東亞社會的比較研究》,2007/11/24-25,台北:台灣大學。

2006 「從娼」作為生存策略:家庭、性別化的勞動市場與權力遊戲,發表於第四屆兩岸三地社會學研討會《宏觀與微觀的華人社會學分析》,2006/11/23-24,南投:東海社會學主辦。

2006  ‘Transnational prostitution / transnational intimacites: dalumeis negotiate poverty, sexuality and intimacy in Taiwan’ invited paper presented in International Workshop on Sexuality and Migrations in Asia, 10 Apr 06 at Asian MetaCentre for Population and Sustainable Development Analysis, Asia Research Institute, Singapore

2005   羞於告人的秘密:一個關於性工作研究中的性、知識與權力的反思,發表於女學會年會《女性主義:知識生產與實踐學術研討會》,2005/10/01-2005/10/02,台北:台灣大學。

2005  為「台灣夢」從事性交易──脈絡化中國移民性工作者的自由選擇,發表於《第一屆人權學術論文研討會》,2005/05/26-2005/05/27,台北:東吳大學張佛泉人權研究中心。

2005  論性工作中的性與工作,發表於《女性主義法學的理論與實踐學術研討會》,4/29/05,台北:台灣大學法律學院。

2004  當「女性主義者」遇上「妓女」—性交易研究中一個關於性、知識與權力的反思,《性別經驗質性研究研討會與工作坊》,高雄:國立高雄師範大學性別教育研究所。

2004  ‘ “I gritted my teeth to do it”—Becoming a professional sex worker’, paper presented in Pleasure and Danger Revisited: Sexuality in the 21th Century Conference, 30 Jun 2004 at Cardiff University, UK

2003  ‘ “Oh, My Boyfriend once was my Client”—Negotiating Intimacy and Commercial Sex Among Taiwanese Sex Workers’, paper presented in the 16th Annual Conference of the Women’s Studies Network (UK) Association, Crossing Boundaries Conference, Birkbeck College, University of London, 4 Jul 2003.

2003  ‘Contradictory Male Sexual Desires: Masculinity, Morality and Sexuality among Prostitutes’ Clients in Taiwan’, paper will be presented in the British Sociology Annual Conference, 13 Apr 2003 at University of York, York, UK

2002   ‘Sex Work Continuum’, paper presented in the Understanding Asia Sexuality Workshop, Seoul: Ehwa University Press.

1999   社會運動團體與立法院的互動-婦女運動團體推動男女平權立法的經驗,《新國會新情勢研討會》,台北:國家政策研究中心。



Mei-Hua Chen, 2023, Taiwan’s nascent #MeToo movement, East Asia Forum, 22 Aug, 2023

Mei-Hua Chen, 2023, #MeToo Movement in Taiwan: Reconfiguring the Intimate Life, Taiwan Insight, 21 Aug 2023

Mei-Hua Chen, 2023, 台灣MeToo為什麼遲到:異性戀常規下的女性日常,端傳媒,2023年07月12日。








Wang, Hong-Zen and Chen, Mei-Hua, 2017, ‘Taiwan’s cross-border marriages: Discrimination via the discourse of love’, University of Nottingham: Taiwan's Studies Programme, https://taiwaninsight.org/2017/11/06/taiwans-cross-border-marriages-discrimination-via-the-discourse-of-love/ (2017/11/6)

Chen, Mei-Hua, 2017, ‘An incomplete equality - Taiwan moves to legalise same-sex marriage’, Asia & The Pacific Policy Society, https://www.policyforum.net/an-incomplete-equality/ (2017/6/20)


陳美華、吳秋園,2016,「近六成支持同婚 ,不容抹為『零共識』」,刊登於2016年12月01日蘋果日報。


Chen, Mei-Hua, 2016, Sexual subjects on the move across the Taiwan Strait. https://cpianalysis.org/2016/07/30/sexual-subjects-on-the-move-across-the-taiwan-strait/ (2016/7/30)




陳美華,2011,「  沒有尊嚴,是因為沒有性工作權!」(蘋果日報,論壇,2011/09/29 A21版)。

陳美華,2010,「  讓兩岸婚姻自由吧!」(中國時報,時論廣場,2010/05/31)。



陳美華,2006,「把活生生的女體找回來」,收於Iris M. Young著,何定照譯,《像女孩那樣丟球:論女性身體經驗》,頁xxix-xxxv,台北:商周出版。

陳美華、林福政報導,2005,「性、性別與異性戀常規性:Stevi Jackson來台講學活動紀要」,《婦研縱橫》,第75期,頁79-87,台北:台大婦女與人口研究中心出版。

Jackson, Stevi主講、傅大為口譯、賴鈺麟、鄭安庭紀錄翻譯、陳美華審定,2005,「性別、性與異性戀情慾」,《婦研縱橫》,第75期,頁88-96,台北:台大婦女與人口研究中心出版。


Chen, Mei-Hua, 2002,‘The Experience of Fieldwork With Taiwanese Sex Workers’, The Newsletter of Women’s Studies Network Association (UK), UK


