
Most of my preprints can be found on arXiv. Published papers can be found on MathSciNet.


    1. "Bounding the volumes of singular weak log del Pezzo surfaces", Internat. J. Math. 24 (2013), no. 13, 1350110, 27pp [Journal] [arXiv]

    2. "On birational geometry of minimal threefolds with numerically trivial canonical divisors", Math. Ann. 365 (2016), no. 1-2, 49--76 [Journal] [arXiv]

    3. (Joint with M. Chen) "On the anti-canonical geometry of Q-fano threefolds", J. Differential Geom. 104 (2016), no.1, 59--109 [Journal] [arXiv]

    4. "On irregular threefolds and fourfolds with numerically trivial canonical bundle", Math. Z. 284 (2016), no. 1-2, 95--115 [Journal] [arXiv]

    5. (Joint with C.D. Hacon) "On Fujita invariants of subvarieties of a uniruled variety", Algebr. Geom. 4 (2017), no. 3, 304--310 [Journal] [arXiv]

    6. "K-semistable Fano manifolds with the smallest alpha invariant", Internat. J. Math. 28 (2017), no. 6, 1750044, 9pp [Journal] [arXiv]

    7. (Joint with P. Cao) "Torsion exceptional sheaves on weak del Pezzo surfaces of Type A", J. Algebra 499 (2018), 583--609 [Journal] [arXiv]

    8. "On birational boundedness of Fano fibrations", Amer. J. Math. 140 (2018), no. 5, 1253--1276 [Journal] [arXiv]

    9. “Boundedness of threefolds of Fano type with Mori fibration structures”, Math. Res. Lett. 26 (2019), no. 5, 1415–1435 [Journal] [arXiv]

    10. (Joint with J.A. Chen, M. Chen) “The Noether inequality for algebraic threefolds”, Duke Math. J. 169 (2020), no.9, 1603–1645 [Journal] [arXiv] Addendum [Journal] [arXiv]

    11. (Joint with Y. Cao) “Remarks on Kawamata’s effective non-vanishing conjecture for manifolds with trivial first Chern classes”, Math. Z., online first [Journal] [arXiv]

    12. "Boundedness of Q-Fano varieties with degrees and alpha-invariants bounded from below", to appear in Annales scientifiques de l'ENS, arXiv:1705.02740 [arXiv]

    13. "Boundedness of anti-canonical volumes of singular log Fano threefolds", to appear in Comm. Anal. Geom., arXiv:1411.6728 [arXiv]

    14. (Joint with M. Chen) “On the anti-canonical geometry of weak Q-fano threefolds, II”, to appear in Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble), arXiv:1708.04954 [arXiv]

    15. “A gap theorem for minimal log discrepancies of non-canonical singularities in dimension three”, to appear in J. Algebraic Geom., arXiv:1904.09642 [arXiv]


    1. (Joint with W. Chen, G. Di Cerbo, J. Han, R. Svaldi) "Birational boundedness of rationally connected Calabi-Yau threefolds", arXiv:1804.09127 [arXiv]

    2. (Joint with H. Liu) “Boundedness of log pluricanonical representations of log Calabi–Yau pairs in dimension 2″, arXiv:2002.11928 [arXiv]

    3. (Joint with M. Chen, B. Li) “On minimal varieties growing from quasismooth weighted hypersurfaces”, arXiv:2005.09828 [arXiv]

    4. “Positivity of Riemann–Roch polynomials and Todd classes of hyperkähler manifolds”, arXiv:2008.04685 [arXiv]


    1. "On boundedness of volumes and birationality in birational geometry", Ph.D. thesis, University of Tokyo, 2015.

    2. (Joint with J. Han) Effective birationality and special BAB, contributed to the volume of Singularities, Linear Systems and Fano Varieties (on the BAB conjecture), C. Birkar and J.A. Chen (eds).

My Erdos Number = 4

P. Erdős --> P. Pálfy --> S. Kovács --> C.D. Hacon --> C. Jiang