(these links are directed to preprints; copyrights belong to publishers)
Online collision risk estimation via monocular depth-aware object detectors and fuzzy inference [ICRA'25 (pdf)]
Instance-level safety-aware fidelity of synthetic data and its calibration [ITSC'24 (pdf)]
USC: Uncompromising spatial constraints for safety-oriented 3D object detectors in autonomous driving [ITSC'24 (pdf)]
Estimating the robustness radius for randomized smoothing with 100x sample efficiency [ECAI'24 (pdf)]
EC-IoU: Orienting safety for object detectors via ego-centric Intersection-over-Union [IROS'24 (pdf)]
BAM: Box abstraction monitors for real-time OoD detection in object detection [IROS'24 (pdf)]
Safety performance of neural networks in the presence of covariate shift [VSTTE'23 (pdf)]
Runtime monitoring DNN-based perception [RV'23 (pdf) (tutorial slides)]
Safeguarding learning-based control for smart energy systems with sampling specifications [PRDC'23 (pdf)]
EvCenterNet: Uncertainty estimation for object detection using evidential learning [IROS'23 (pdf)]
Are attention networks more robust? Towards exact robustness verification for attention networks [SAFECOMP'23 (pdf)]
Potential-based credit assignment for cooperative RL-based testing of autonomous vehicles [IJCNN'23 (pdf)]
Sensing and machine learning for automotive perception: A Review [IEEE Sensors (pdf)]
Butterfly effect attack: Tiny and seemingly unrelated perturbations for object detection [DATE'23 (pdf)]
Prioritizing corners in OoD detectors via symbolic string manipulation [ATVA'22 (pdf)]
Formal specification for learning-enabled autonomous systems [FoMLAS'22 (pdf)]
Formally compensating performance limitations for imprecise 2D object detection [SAFECOMP'22 (pdf)]
Logically sound arguments for the effectiveness of ML safety measures [WAISE'22 (pdf)]
ComOpT: Combination and optimization for testing autonomous driving systems [ICRA'22 (pdf)]
Mixed-neighborhood, multi-speed cellular automata for safety-aware pedestrian prediction [SEFM'21]
Federated learning for driver status monitoring [ITSC'21]
Monitoring object detection abnormalities via data-label and post-algorithm abstractions [IROS'21 (pdf)]
Safety metrics for semantic segmentation in autonomous driving [AI Test'21 (pdf)]
Testing autonomous systems with believed equivalence refinement [AI Test'21 (pdf)]
Continuous safety verification of neural networks [DATE'21 (pdf)]
Provably robust monitoring of neuron activation patterns [DATE'21 (pdf)]
Safety-aware hardening of 3D object detection neural network systems [SAFECOMP'20 (pdf)]
Towards robust direct perception networks for automated driving [IV'20 (pdf)]
Towards safety verification of direct perception neural networks [DATE'20 (pdf)]
nn-dependability-kit: Engineering neural networks for safety-critical autonomous driving systems [ICCAD'19 (pdf)]
Runtime monitoring neuron activation patterns [DATE'19 (pdf)]
Towards dependability metrics for neural networks [MEMOCODE'18 (pdf)]
Quantitative projection coverage for testing ML-enabled autonomous systems [ATVA'18 (pdf)]
Verification of binarized neural networks via inter-neuron factoring [VSTTE'18 (pdf)]
Neural networks for safety-critical applications - challenges, experiments and perspectives [DATE'18 (pdf)]
Maximum resilience of artificial neural networks [ATVA'17 (pdf) (video)]
autoCode4: Structural controller synthesis [TACAS'17 (pdf)]
Structural synthesis for GXW specifications [CAV'16 (pdf) (video)]
Compositional parameter synthesis [FM'16]
Semantic degrees for Industrie 4.0 engineering [ESEC/FSE'15 (pdf)]
Formal consistency checking over specifications in natural languages [DATE'15 (pdf) (slides)]
G4LTL-ST: Automatic generation of PLC programs [CAV'14 (pdf)(video)]
JBernstein: A validity checker for generalized polynomial constraints [CAV'13 (pdf)]
MGSyn: Automatic synthesis for industrial automation [CAV'12 (pdf) (video1, video2) ]
Algorithms for synthesizing priorities in component based systems [ATVA'11 (pdf)]