Research page of Paweł Świt, PhD, Eng.

Institute of Chemistry, University of Silesia in Katowice
9 Szkolna Street
40-006 Katowice, Poland

tel.: (+48) 32 359 15 08
e-mail: pawel.swit at
Room 68

Curriculum vitae

June 2010: BSc in Chemistry granted after three years at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland

June 2012: MSc in Chemistry granted after two years at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland

08.2012-06.2013: Internship in The Laboratory of Analysis and Nondestructive Investigations of Heritage Objects at The National Museum in Krakow, Poland

July 2014: MSc in Chemical technology after two years at the AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland

10.2013-09.2017: Ph.D. student in Chemistry at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland

10.2014-09.2017: Ph.D. student in – Interdisciplinary Ph.D. studies Society–Environment–Technology in English at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland

10.2014-03.2015: Erasmus+ scholarship with focus on a research project at the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic

10.2015-12.2015: Erasmus+ scholarship with focus on a research project at the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Valencia, Spain

04.2015-12.2015: Committee for Ph.D. Mobility, National Representation of Doctoral, Poland

03.2016-03.2017: Committee for Public Relations, National Representation of Doctoral, Poland

07.2017: 1st Summer School on Complex Fluid-Flows in Microfluidics at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal

12.2017: Ph.D. in Chemistry granted by the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland, based on the thesis entitled: "The study and elimination of interference effects with innovative calibration methods"

10.2017-06.2018: Molecular biology – post-diploma studies at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland

08.2018: International Summer school - Clinical and Translational Neuroscience at the Medical Centre of the Georg-August-University, Germany

07.2018: Award of the Committee of Analytical Chemistry the Polish Academy of Sciences for the best doctoral thesis for the introduction of the principles of metrology in chemical measurements sponsored by LGC Standards

02.2018-03.2019: postdoc – research technical specialist, contract within the project: Pharmacological and neurotoxicity properties of new NBOMe derivatives at the Institute of Pharmacology of the Polish Academy of Science, Poland

04.2019-08.2020: postdoc – research assistant, contract within the project: Spectral histopathology, FTIR and immunoSERS, for the recognition of biochemical status of pre-metastatic niche and micrometastasis in murine model of breast cancer at the Jagiellonian Centre for Experimental Therapeutics (JCET), Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland

09.2019-08.2020: contract within the project: Design of SERS nanosensors for ex vivo detection of inflammatory state in blood vessels at the Faculty of Chemistry at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow

10.2019-06.2020: Biostatistics – practical aspects of statistics in medical research – post-diploma studies at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland

Since 1.09.2020: Assistant Professor and Research Associate at the Institute of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland

Main scientific interests

Analytical chemistry instrumentation


Analytical method development

Analytical method validation

Analytical environmental chemistry

Bioanalytical chemistry

Flow analysis

Flow chemistry

List of published articles

  1. P. Swit, J. Orzel, S. Maslanka, Monitoring of PAHs in simulated natural and artificial fires by HPLC-DAD-FLD with the application of Multi-Component Integrated Calibration Method to improve quality of analytical results, Measurement (in press)

  2. E. Wiercigroch, P. Swit, A. Brzozka, L. Pięta, K. Malek, Dual-enhancement and dual-tag design for SERS-based sandwich immunoassays: evaluation of a metal–metal effect in 3D architecture, Microchimica Acta, 189 (2022) 32
    IF=5.833 (
    Open Access)

  3. J. Orzel, P. Swit, Comparison of quantitative detection methods based on molecular fluorescence spectroscopy and chromatographic techniques used for the determination of bisphenol compounds, International Journal of Molecular Science, 22 (2021) 10596
    IF=5.923 (
    Open Access)

  4. P. Swit, M. Gargano, J.M. del Hoyo-Meléndez, Beam characterization of a microfading tester: evaluation of several methods, Heritage Science, 78 (2021)
    IF=2.517 (
    Open Access)

  5. P. Świt, M. Herian, K. Gołembiowska, Improvement of analytical results quality in neuroscience – Good Methodology Practice in the acetylcholine determination, Microchemical Journal, 168 (2021) 106404

  6. K. Kamińska, P. Świt, K. Małek, 25I-NBOME (2-(4-iodo-2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-N-[(2-methoxyphenyl)methyl]ethanamine) – a harmful hallucinogen review, Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 44 (2020) 947–956

  7. E. Wiercigroch, P. Świt, A. Kisielewska, I. Piwoński, K. Małek, Photocatalytic deposition of plasmonic Au nanostructures on a semiconductor substrate to enhance Raman sensitivity, Applied Surface Science, 529 (2020) 147021

  8. K. Kamińska, P. Świt, K. Małek, 25C-NBOMe short characterisation, Forensic Toxicology, 38 (2020) 490-495

  9. P. Świt, K. Kamińska, M. Herian, Bioanalytical methodology for determination of glutamate and aspartate for use in pharmacological sciences with application of Integrated Calibration Method, Talanta, 206 (2020) 120237

  10. M. Herian, A. Wojtas, K. Kamińska, P. Świt, A. Wach, K. Gołembiowska, Hallucinogen-like action of the novel designer drug 25I-NBOMe and its effect on cortical neurotransmitters in rats, Neurotoxicity Research, 36 (2019) 91-100

  11. J.M. del Hoyo-Melendez, P. Świt, J. Sobczyk, Measuring photostability through glass: the application of microfading testing to the study of framed pastel artworks, Coloration Technology, 134 (2018) 411-422

  12. M. Wieczorek, M. Dębosz, P. Świt, A. Piech, J. Kasperek, P. Kościelniak, Reliable calibration by nonlinear standard addition method in the presence of additive interference effects, Monatshefte für Chemie – Chemical Monthly, 149 (2018) 1567-1572

  13. M. Wieczorek, M. Dębosz, P. Świt, A. Woźniakiewicz, P. Kościelniak, Application of gradient ratio flow-injection technique to implementation of the Chemical H-point Standard Addition Method, Talanta, 186 (2018) 215-220

  14. P. Świt, J. Verdú-Andrés, M. Wieczorek, P. Kościelniak, P. Campíns-Falcó, A new calibration model: combining Integrated Calibration Method and H-Point Standard Addition Method to detect and avoid interference effects, Analytical Letters, 51 (2018) 1194-1207

  15. M. Wieczorek, S. Rengevicova, P. Świt, A. Woźniakiewicz, J. Kozak, P. Kościelniak, New approach to H-point Standard Addition Method for detection and elimination of unspecific interferences in samples with unknown matrix, Talanta, 170 (2017) 165-172

  16. P. Chocholouš, M. Wieczorek, P. Świt, J. Kozak, P. Solich, P. Kościelniak, Novel approach to two-component analysis based on the generalized calibration strategy, Analytical Letters, 50 (2017) 617-628

  17. E. Greiner-Wronowa, P. Świt, The influence of selected organic compounds on the corrosion of historical glass based on their state of preservation, Acta Physica Polonica A, 130 (2016) 1406-1414

  18. J.M. del Hoyo-Melendez, P. Świt, M. Matosz, M. Woźniak, A. Klisińska-Kopacz, Ł. Bratasz, Micro-XRF analysis of silver coins from midieval Poland, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B., 349 (2015) 6-16

  19. M. Wieczorek, P. Kościelniak, P. Świt, J. Paluch, J. Kozak, Solenoid micropums-based flow system for generalized calibration strategy, Talanta, 133 (2015) 21-26

  20. M. Wieczorek, P. Kościelniak, P. Świt, K. Marszałek, Novel multicommuted flow manifold to the integrated calibration method, Analytical Methods, 6 (2014) 9276-9282

  21. M. Herian, K. Kamińska, P. Świt, M. Skawski, A. Wojtas, M. Sobocińska, K. Gołembiowska, P.207 Effect of 4-iodo-2,5-dimethoxy-N-(2-methoxybenzyl) phenethylamine on brain neurotransmitters and rats' locomotor activity, European Neuropsychopharmacology 31, S1 (2020) S23-S24

Articles submitted, accepted or in press


  1. OPUS – UMO-2016/21/B/ST4/02151, Title: Design of SERS nanosensors for ex vivo detection of inflammatory state in blood vessels, project funded by the National Science Centre, function: performer

  2. OPUS – UMO-2016/23/B/NZ4/01379, Title: Spectral histopathology, FTIR and immunoSERS, for the recognition of biochemical status of pre-metastatic niche and micrometastasis in murine model of breast cancer, project funded by the National Science Centre, function: postdoc – employment contract

  3. OPUS – DEC-2016/21/B/NZ7/01131, Title: Pharmacological and neurotoxicity properties of new NBOMe derivatives, project funded by the National Science Centre, function: postdoc – employment contract

  4. Dotacja T – 2016, Title: Examination and elimination of the interference effects with application of innovative calibration methods, no PSP K/DSC/003881, grant funds to conduct research with a grant of statutory MNiSzW intended for young scientists in 2016 – individual grant

  5. Dotacja T – 2015, Title: Research on the further development of calibration methods in flow analysis, grant funds to conduct research with a grant of statutory MNiSzW intended for young scientists in 2015 – a member of the research team

  6. SONATA – 2011/01/D/HS2/02604, Title: The effect of heating on the transfer of historic churches and deposition of dust, project funded by the National Science Centre, function: project contractor – service contract

Completed courses

  1. 01.2019: Training for: people planning, participating and performing procedures on animals, killing animals used in procedures and taking care of animals kept in the center – training organized by Department of Pathophysiology (Jagiellonian University Medical College)

  2. 02.2018: High-resolution mass spectrometry in the protein analysis LC-MS/MS and CESI-MS – training organized by Sciex, TK Biotech and Spektrometria

  3. 10.2016: Writing grant applications – training organized by the Association of Doctoral UJ

  4. 09.2016: Reliable methods in CE – Method Development and Good Working Practises – workshop organized by Cari Sänger – van de Griend (Kantist BV)

  5. 05.2016: How to effectively manage the project and the research team? – training organized by the Association of Doctoral UJ

  6. 05.2016: Writing scientific papers – training organized by the Association of Doctoral UJ

  7. 04.2016: Graphic preparing presentations and posters – training organized by Association of Career Development of Ph.D. and Doctors PolDoc

  8. 10.2014: Imaging at the nanoscale: AFM and SNOM – workshops organized by the Faculty of Chemistry Jagiellonian University, Raman Imaging Team, Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences and the Research Laboratory of Biophysical Microcircuits

  9. 12.2013: Identification, conservation and protection of art. Works made of polymeric materials – ARTplast – workshops at the Centre HERIDITAS Krakowski Scientific Consortium team. Marian Smoluchowski

  10. 11.2013: Infrastructure PL-Grid - services for computational chemistry – training carried out in the framework of training activities PLGrid Plus Project co-financed by Funds European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Programme Innovative Economy by ACC Cyfronet AGH

  11. 10.2013: LC-MS/MS – training organized by ABSciex and Bioanalytic

  12. 06.2013: Internal Auditor of Quality Management System according to ISO 9001:2008 – training organized by BSI Group Polska

List of oral presentations

  1. P. Świt, M. Wieczorek, P. Kościelniak, Badanie i eliminacja efektów interferncyjnych z zastosowaniem innowacyjnych metod kalibracyjnych, X Polska Konferencja Chemii Analitycznej Od chemii wszystko się zaczyna, 01-05.07.2018, Lublin, Poland

  2. P. Świt, M. Wieczorek, J. Kasperek, P. Kościelniak, Calibration problems in the acidity determination in wines, 13th International Students Conference “Modern Analytical Chemistry”, 21-22.09.2017, Prague, Czech Republic

  3. P. Świt, J. Verdú-Andrérs, P. Campíns-Falcó, M. Wieczorek, P. Kościelniak, Development of the Generalized Calibration Strategy towards elimination of additive interference effect, 20th International Conference on Flow Injection Analysis and Related Techniques, 02-07.10.2016, Palma de Mallorca, Spain

  4. P. Świt, J. Verdú-Andrérs, P. Campíns-Falcó, M. Wieczorek, P. Kościelniak, Coupling Generalized Calibration Strategy and H-point Standard Addition Method for accuracy improvement – theory and practise, 12th International Students Conference “Modern Analytical Chemistry, 22-23.09.2016, Prague, Czech Republic

  5. P. Świt, J. Verdú-Andrérs, P. Campíns-Falcó, M. Wieczorek, P. Kościelniak, Sequential-injection manifold for combination of generalized calibration strategy and H-point standard addition method, X Polish Symposium Flow Analysis & Capillary Electrophoresis FACE 2016, 14-16.09.2016, Kraków, Poland

  6. P. Świt, R. Wietecha-Posłuszny, P. Kościelniak, Układy Lab-on-a-chip w analizie śladów powybuchowych, I Konferencja Młodych Chemików Sądowych, 24-25.06.2015, Kraków, Poland

  7. P. Świt, M. Wieczorek, S. Rengevičová, P. Kościelniak, Metoda dodatku wzorca punktu H w nowej wersji na przykładzie oznaczania kwasu askorbinowego, X Kopernikańskie Seminarium Doktoranckie, 21-24.06.2015, Toruń, PolandCompetition for the best speech Award

  8. P. Świt, P. Chocholouš, M. Wieczorek, J. Kozak, P. Solich, P. Kościelniak, Novel sequential-injection manifold for two-component generalized calibration strategy, Flow Analysis XIII, 05-10.07.2015, Prague, Czech Republic

  9. P. Świt, M. Wieczorek, P. Chocholouš, P. Solich, P. Kościelniak, Teoretyczne aspekty uogólnionej strategii kalibracyjnej w analizie dwuskładnikowej, IX Kopernikańskie Seminarium Doktoranckie, 24-26.06.2015, Toruń, Poland

  10. P. Świt, P. Chocholouš, M. Wieczorek, J. Kozak, P. Solich, P. Kościelniak, Theoretical and practical aspects of a Generalized Calibration Strategy implemented to flow techniques, 5th Postgraduate and 3rd Postdoc conference, 3-4.02.2015, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic

  11. P. Świt, M. Wieczorek, P. Kościelniak, J. Kozak, Teoretyczne aspekty uogólnionej strategii kalibracyjnej realizowanej w technikach przepływowych, IX Ogólnopolskie Sympozjum Analiza Przepływowa, 9-10.10.2014, Kraków, Poland

  12. P. Świt, M. Wieczorek, J. Kozak, P. Kościelniak, Teoretyczne i praktyczne aspekty uogólnionej strategii kalibracyjnej, XII Seminarium Doktorantów Na Pograniczu Chemii i Biologii, 21-24.05.2014, Karpacz, Poland

  13. P. Świt, M. Wieczorek, J. Kozak, P. Kościelniak, Układ przepływowy do realizacji zintegrowanej metody kalibracyjnej, Konferencja Młodych Naukowców. Wpływ Młodych Naukowców na Osiągnięcia Polskiej Nauki V Edycja, 11.01.2014, Kraków, Poland

  14. P. Świt, M. Stafiński, M. Wieczorek, Oznaczanie selenu w obecności miedzi z wykorzystaniem atomowej spektrometrii fluorescencyjnej, Studenckie Spotkania Chemiczne Natura – nieskończone źródło inspiracji dla naukowców, 11-13.04.2012, Kraków, Poland