About us

Welcome to the website of a group of applied chemometrics, focused on the modeling of complex instrumental signals, at the Institute of Chemistry, the University of Silesia in Katowice, Katowice, Poland.

We are passionate about chemometrics and the potential it can offer. We propagate our research mission by applying, promoting, and developing chemometric methods. We seek new applications of chemometrics to solve academic problems, and we challenge technical issues. We actively employ strategies of chemical fingerprinting and process complex instrumental signals (including signals obtained from hyphenated chromatographic techniques, e.g., GC-MS, LC-MS, near-infrared or fluorescence spectra, hyperspectral images, nuclear magnetic resonance spectra) to study chemical systems using exploratory, comparative data analysis, and data modeling methods. 

In our portfolio, one can find applications of chemometrics to solve problems found in different -omics sciences, environmental sciences, environmental -omics, forensic sciences, pharmacy, drug design, chemical technology, industry, process control, and optimization, etc. In our research, we practice the principles of experimental planning to extract maximum relevant chemical information from the smallest possible number of experiments. On an everyday basis, we collaborate with research institutes and research groups from Poland and abroad.

We guide and support young researchers (BSc, MSc, and PhD students) who are willing to extend their knowledge in chemometrics through active participation in challenging research projects (also in collaboration with industrial partners) and problem-solving activities. We seek for strongly-motivated BSc, MSc, and PhD students ready to challenge real research problems.

Prof. Michał Daszykowski

Prof. Ivana Stanimirova

Dr. Eng. Olena Spaska

Dr. Łukasz Pieszczek

Paweł Dziki, MSc

Michał Kula, MSc