Opt for the best and cheap flyers print in Singapore

Once you have the complete design for your flyer, it is time to send it to the press. Here are the different printing options and costs.

1. Send to online printer: Opt for the online and cheap printing services Singapore, suggest using FedEx because you can typically get them printed same day, and since there are so many locations nationwide, there is probably a FedEx closely where you can pick up the flyers. The cost for a one sided, full color flyer from FedEx is not too high. If you’re buying in bulk, consider ordering from those services which offer better bulk discounts.

2. Print yourself: If you are having a high quality printer, this could be a good option for you. You will need to purchase high quality paper in big packages. You will also need colored ink if your flyer uses colors.

3. Work with a local printer: If you currently have a good relationship with you local printer, then you may want to use them to print your flyers. You can also consider partnering with a local print shop to lower the cost of printing by including some small advertisements for the printer on your flyer.

Word about Finishes: Glossy vs. Matte

Glossy is a great way to go if your flyer is colorful. It creates more vibrancy, and allows the images to leap off the page. A gloss coating also protects flyers from ink smearing. Matte is another choice, but it is not as polished as gloss. Choosing which one is right for your flyers and flyer distribution services mainly depends on your own personal preference.