

  • We are building a mobile, hybrid learning center for rural, public schools in West Bengal, India. The program piloted in Hingalganj, Sundarban on March 8th, 2022: Wings of School

  • Together with Rotary Club of Belur and alumni friends from Presidency and Indian Statistical Institute and other colleges in Kolkata, we provided personal protective equpments for public health workers in Howrah, India in August, 2020. The program was supported by numerous well-wishers and a global grant from the Rotary Foundation: Save our Saviours

Popular Writing

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Food for Thought: Fabulous Research

Favorite Quotes

  • Sa Vidya Ya Vimuktaye. (That, which sets your mind free, is knowledge)--Vishnu Purana, sometime between 400 BCE and 450 CE

  • We would be better off if we spent more time in reading each others’ work and less in thinking up grand excuses for ignoring it.--Chris Sims, Macroeconomics and Methodology, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 1995.

  • Take your broken heart, make it into art.--Carrie Fisher, quoted by Meryl Streep in 2017 Golden Globe Awards