
Ph.D Student's supervision and mentor

[2022-20XX] Learning and analysing spatio-temporal objects from satellite image time series. - C. Dufourg [50%] - Univ. Bretagne Sud / IRIS (France). PhD director: S. Lefèvre

[2021-20XX] Modelling, prediction, and anomaly detection of Earth surface dynamics. - S. Tumampos [mentor] - TUM (Germany) & Imperial College London (UK)

[2018-20XX] Classification of large time series datasets. A. Shifaz [25 %] - Monash University (Australia)

(Past Ph.D. students)

[2018-2021] Time series classification. B. Lucas [25 %] - Monash University (Australia)
Ben is a postdoc at University of Colorado Boulder (USA)

[2017-2020] Morphological Hierarchies for Analysing Satellite Image Time Series. C. Tuna [20 %] (supervision from October 2019 to December 2020) - Univ. Bretagne Sud (France)

Caglayan is a research engineer at INRIA Rennes (France).

Visiting Ph.D.  Students

[2021] Unsupervised Cross-Region Adaptation by Temporal Shift Estimation. J. Nyborg - Aarhus University - 6 months visit (remote)

Master students


Master Thesis (6 months),  Université Bretagne Sud

Multi-sensor crop type classification using pixel-set encoders and temporal self-attention. S. Ofori-Ampofo [90 %] (co-supervisor: S. Lang)

Master Thesis (6 months),  Université Bretagne Sud

Mix-Up as a data augmentation technique for time series data. V. Ondieki [90 %] (co-supervisor: D. Tiede)

Master Thesis (6 months),  Université Bretagne Sud

Arbres de décision et Forêts aléatoires pour des groupes de variables. M. Le Gal [50 %] (co-supervisor: A. Poterie)


Master Thesis (6 months),  Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieur de Tunis (ENIT)

Imputation de données manquantes dans les séries temporelles d'images satellitaires. G. Mahdi [90 %] (co-supervisor: R. Tavenard)

DUT Internships (11 weeks),  IUT Vannes

Génération de séries temporelles synthétiques pour l'étude des erreurs d'étiquetage en apprentissage automatique. M. Dautriche [100 %]


Minor Thesis Project (1 year),  Monash University

Gapfilling of satellite image time series by using Generative Adversarial Network. Z. Ji [100 %]

Learning to classify satellite image time series with less supervision. A. Reeve-Webber  [50 %]

Master 2 internship (6 months), Technical Universität Dortmund (carried out at Monash University)

Gapfilling time series by using Spatio-Temporal Markov Models , R. Fischer [10 %]


Minor Thesis Project (1 year),  Monash University

Classification of high resolution Landsat-8 time series by using lower resolution reference data. S. Mehta [75 %]


Master 2 internship (6 months), Toulouse University

     Segmentation of high resolution satellite image time series for land cover mapping over large areas. T. Langlois [50 %]


Master 2 internship (6 months), Toulouse University

     Comparison of techniques for the reconstruction of missing values in high resolution satellite image time series.  M. Bertolino [75 %]

Students' projects [100 %]


"Summer" Internship (10 weeks), Monash University

Land cover mapping of  Sentinel-2 image time series over Victoria, Australia. Z. Ji


"Winter" Internship Student (4 weeks), Monash University

Pre-processing of Sentinel-2 images over Victoria, Australia. Z. Ji

Minor Thesis (6 weeks), University of Science and Technology of China (carried out at Monash University)

Applying Recurrent Neural Network to satellite image time series: A preliminary result. X. Yuan


Master 2 research project (1 semester - 3 students)

Studying temporal features for the classification of satellite image time series