AOL drawings

As a performance artist, I employ a variety of media: performance, sculpture, printed matter, painting… the backbone of my artistic practise involves a daily “sketchbook” habit of friendly, sequentially based drawing/painting and writing from life. My studio is portable, existing wherever I happen to be. I always carry, “Schminke” brand watercolour paint set, pens, and a recycled tin box filled with custom cut paper. However Iʼm not confined to archival art supplies as Iʼve rendered with spit, beet juice, Crayolas, nail polish and other on-hand materials. People are invited to open a box and sift through “cards” of subject matter that include everything: sunsets, landscapes, wildlife, eavesdropped conversations, portraits of buildings or security guards, strangers that become friends, quotes from books, A Republican, lecture and budgeting notes, schemes, daydreams, to do lists, a floral shaped leaf of butter...

Sets of drawings contained in recycled tins boxes. Each Drawing inside a box is on hand cut paper. Among the boxes used to house drawings are "America Online" promotional tins that once contained CD's with free online hours. AOL ascribed each tin with a password identification name. It is this name that differentiates one book/box from another and becomes the title of each set. I’ve created perhaps a couple thousand of such drawings so far.