Publications and working papers:
Guillard, C. (2020). Mapping industrial patterns and structural change in exports. UNU-MERIT Working Paper, 2020-005.
Salazar, M., Guillard, C., Crespi, G. (2019). The Colombian Observatory of Science and Technology: Between Relevant Context and Internationally Comparable Indicators (No. IDB-DP-623). IDB Discussion papers. Washington DC.
Guillard, C., Jaumandreu, J., Olivari, J. (2018). Exploring ways to estimate endogenous productivity. Boston University Working Paper.
López-Bassols, V., Grazzi, M., Guillard, C., and Salazar, M. (2018). Las brechas de género en ciencia, tecnología e innovación en América Latina y el Caribe: Resultados de una recolección piloto y propuesta metodológica para la medición (No. IDB-TN- 1408). IDB Technical notes. Washington DC.
Guillard, C., and Salazar, M. (2017). The experience in innovation surveys of selected Latin American countries (No. IDB-DP-530). IDB Discussion papers. Washington DC.
Work in progress:
"The extent of demand ripple effects on economic growth: Are backward linkages overestimated?"
"Breaking down the effect of manufacturing on the dynamics of economic growth"
"Harmonized Latin American Innovation Surveys data (HarmoLAIS) - Firm level microdata for the study of innovation” (with F. Vargas, M. Salazar and G. Crespi)
"Does international specialization and trade openness matter for informality?", (with N. Correa)