Charlotte Dion-Blanc

Assistant professor, Sorbonne Université

Probability, statistics and modelling lab (LPSM CNRS,UMR 8001), team Statistics and associated to Stochastic for Biology group. 

I am currently assistant professor in Statistics affiliated to LPSM, at Sorbonne Université, since 2017. Before, I was a postdoctoral researcher at SAMM lab Paris 1, working with Pr. Jean-Marc Bardet. My work was funded by the FSMP. I defended and obtained my Ph.D. in June 2016. Previously, I was a Ph.D. student in Statistics at LJK lab Grenoble-Alpes Université, advised by Pr. Adeline Samson and Pr. Fabienne Comte. I was also a teaching assistant at IUT STID Paris-Descartes. In 2012, I passed the french mathematics exam agrégation.

💡 Séminaire Hawkes : planning ici EMERGENCE 

💡 Available post-doc position, do not hesitate to contact me!

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75252 Paris Cedex 05, France

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