Benchmark of a gust load-oriented flexible aircraft model. This latter consists in a set of 1 input to 92 outputs frequency-domain transfer data, computed on a high fidelity simulator.
The objective of the problem is to construct a reduced order rational linear model that fits the data and that is potentially stable, to allow for control, simulation and analysis.
Benchmark of an hydro-electric open channel. The model is obtained by assuming some linearity and discharge in the St Venant PDE equations. The simplified models results to be an irrational transfer from two flow inputs to the height at a given point of the channel.
One objective of the problem is to construct a reduced order (linear) rational model that fits the irrational transfer function, suitable for simulation and control design.
Benchmark of a fluid flow phenomena over an open cavity geometry. The data consists of a collection of complex responses from the cavity corner left pressure actuation to the corner right shear stress sensor, evaluated at complex points and real frozen Reynolds numbers (velocity of the fluid).
One objective is, based on the collected data, to construct a parametric model reproducing the data, and potentially stable.