n-D Loewner...  Taming the curse of dimensionality

About and problem description

This page provides supplementary materials to the paper entitled "The Loewner framework for parametric systems: taming the curse of dimensionality", by A.C. Antoulas, I-V. Gosea and C. Poussot-Vassal (available as arXiv).

We provide additional (regularly updated) numerical benches and results, grounded on the above contribution. Next, we treat problems of three different nature:

The objective, based on one of the above ingredients, is to construct a rational model that matches / approximates the data.

Data-sets description (Matlab format)

The proposed data-sets consist of a collection of examples, either constructed by us or proposed in the literature (other references, MOR Wiki...). For each case, we provide a ZIP file which contains data in Matlab format ".mat" files. More specifically ("X" denotes the name or the number of the experiment)

Approximation from function

Here we consider first a collection of functions H(s1,s2,...,sn), that are rational / polynomial and accessible. We aim at demonstrating the scalability with respect to the number of variables "n".
>> Set #1 Data (Matlab)
>> Our score sheet (PDF)

Additionally, we consider possible an other function set (possibly non-rational), obtained from literature
>> Set #2 Data (Matlab)
>> Our score sheet (PDF)

Approximation from tensor

Here we consider examples where the tensor data is has been computed and we want to construct a rational parametric model. Most of the examples come from the MOR Wiki page. In most of these cases, the parametric realization is known but its parametric orders dependency is unknown.
>> Data (Matlab)
>> Our score sheet (PDF)

Set #3: NLEVP approximation

Here we consider a collection of data related to the non-linear eigenvalue problem.
>> Data (Matlab)
>> Our score sheet (PDF)