Charles Higgins' obituary in The Times states:
'There is a pronounced somnambulist attitude not only in the subject matter but also in the diction of his paintings and gouaches. The artist acted as the carrier of a vision , he was the chosen realiser of dreams that descended on him almost without his calling .
The desert Arabs and their horses played a rather prominent part, a fact unexplained by the station of his life. He was - in actual sense of the word- an expressionist and retained the freshness and naivety of the 'primitive ' hand . Directness was paired with an inborn sophisticated sense of colour and explains why the great French modern collector Alphonse Kann - when he came to live in London during the German occupation - declared that Pic was his choice among English Painters
(Alphonse Kann's collection included 1,200 paintings and works by Picasso and Cezanne . He is thought to have been one of the models for Charles Swann in Proust's novel A La Recherche Du Temps Perdu.)