Conventional presentation

I. Academic journals

A. In english

A short description in french is here.

See also the brief in french published by the CNRS (INEE):

B. In french

II. Books

III. Others (outreach, press, interviews, etc.)

Republié dans CNRS Le Journal : Comment évaluer l’impact des délibérations sur les votes des citoyens ? | CNRS Le journal 

Republished by CNRS Le Journal:

Republished by CNRS Le Journal:

Republished by CNRS Le Journal:

Republished by CNRS Le Journal:

Republished by CNRS Le Journal:

Fiches de presse Info INRA du 31/10/2008.

Evaluating biodiversity : informing the choice of criteria and indicators for public policies

IV. Working papers / works in progress

V. Under revision

VI. Unpublished

You will find here three papers that correspond to topics in Macroeconomics and tax competition on which I am not working any longer, but that could be of interest for some.