
Journal articles, book chapters

Caizergues AE, Robira B, Perrier C, Jeanneau M, Berthomieu A, Perret S,  Gandon S, Charmantier A. 2024. Cities as parasitic amplifiers? Malaria prevalence and diversity in great tits along an urbanization gradient. Peer Community Journal.

Hoste A, Capblancq T, Broquet T, Denoyelle L, Perrier C, Buzan EV,  Šprem N, Corlatti L, Crestanello B, Hauffe HC, Pellissier L, Yannic G. 2024. Projection of current and future distribution of adaptive genetic units in an alpine ungulate. Heredity.

Urvois T, Perrier C, Roques A, Sauné L, Courtin C, Kajimura H, Hulcr J, Cognato AI, Auger-Rozenberg MA, Kerdelhué C. 2023. The worldwide invasion history of a pest ambrosia beetle inferred using population genomics. Molecular Ecology.

Urvois T, Rossi JP, Perrier C, Roques A, Auger-Rozenberg MA, Kerdelhué C. 2023. Les scolytes du genre Xylosandrus à la conquête de l'Europe. In: CRISES SANITAIRES EN AGRICULTURE : Les espèces invasives sous surveillance. Ed QUAE. 

Di Lecce I, Perrier C, Szulkin M, Sudyka J. 2023. Extra-pair paternity, breeding density and synchrony in natural cavities versus nestboxes in two passerine birds. Ecology and Evolution.

Miller JM, Garant D, Perrier C, Juette T, Jameson JW, Normandeau E, Bernatchez L, Réale D. 2022. Linking genetic, morphological, and behavioural divergence between inland island and mainland deer mice. Heredity.

Andrello M, D’Aloia C, Dalongeville A, Escalante MA, Guerrero J, Perrier C, Torres-Florez JP, Xuereb A, Manel S. 2022. Evolving spatial conservation prioritization with intraspecific genetic data.  Trends in Ecology and Evolution.

Rougemont Q, Perrier C, Besnard AL, Lebel I, Abdallah Y, Feunteun E, Réveillac E, Lasne E, Acou A, Nachon DJ, Cobo F, Evanno G, Baglinière JL, Launey S. 2022. Population genetics reveals cryptic lineages and ongoing hybridization in a declining migratory fish species complex. Heredity. 

Urvois T, Perrier C, Roques A, Sauné L, Courtin C, Li Y, Johnson AJ, Hulcr J, Auger-Rozenberg MA, Kerdelhué C. 2022. A first inference of the phylogeography of the worldwide invader Xylosandrus compactus. Journal of Pest Science.

Caizergues AE, Le Luyer J, Gregoire A, Szulkin M, Senar JC, Charmantier A, Perrier C. 2022. Epigenetics and the city: non-parallel DNA methylation modifications across pairs of urban-rural Great tit populations. Evolutionary Applications. 

Lennox RJ, Alexandre CM, Almeida PR, Bailey KM, Barlaup BT, Bøe K, Breukelaar A, Erkinaro J, Forseth T, Gabrielsen S-E, Halfyard E, Hanssen EM, Karlsson S, Koch S, Koed A, Langåker RM, Lo H, Lucas MC, Mahlum S, Perrier C, Pulg U, Sheehan T, Skoglund H, Svenning M, Thorstad EB, Velle G, Whoriskey FG, Vollset KW. 2021. The quest for successful Atlantic salmon restoration- perspectives, priorities, and maxims. ICES Journal of Marine Science.

Rougemont Q, Dolo V, Oger A, Besnard AL, Huteau D, Coutellec MA, Perrier C, Launey S, Evanno G. 2021. Riverscape genetics in brook lamprey: genetic diversity is less influenced by river fragmentation than by gene flow with the anadromous ecotype. Heredity.

Perrier C, Rougemont Q, Charmantier A. 2020. Demographic history and genomics of local adaptation in blue tit populations. Evolutionary Applications.

Lambrechts MM, Caizergues AE, Perrier C, Charmantier A, Caro SP. 2020. Surface temperatures of non-incubated eggs in great tits (Parus major) are strongly associated with ambient temperature. International Journal of Biometeorology.

Perrier C, Caizergues A, Charmantier A. 2020. Adaptation genomics in urban environments. Book chapter in: Urban Evolutionary Biology. Oxford University Press.

Escalante MA, Perrier C, García-De León FJ, Ruiz-Luna A, Ortega-Abboud E, Manel S. 2020. Genotyping-by-sequencing reveals the effects of riverscape, climate and interspecific introgression on the genetic diversity and local adaptation of the endangered Mexican golden trout (Oncorhynchus chrysogaster). Conservation Genetics.

Gagnon M, Yannic G, Perrier C, Côté S. 2019. No evidence of inbreeding depression in fast declining herds of migratory caribou. Journal of Evolutionary Biology.

Gervais L, Perrier C, Bernard M, Merlet J, Pemberton J, Pujol B, Quéméré E. 2019. RAD-sequencing for estimating GRM-based heritability in the wild: a case study in roe deer. Molecular Ecology Resources.

Perrier C. 2019. Fable génomique : quand les mésanges arrivent en ville. Dans : 101 secrets de l'ADN. CNRS Editions.

Perrier C & Charmantier A. 2019. On the importance of time scales when studying adaptive evolution. Evolution letters.

Janicke T, Marie-Orleach L, Aubier TG, Perrier C, Morrow EH. 2019. Assortative mating in animals and its role for speciation. The American Naturalist. 

Dubuc-Messier G, Caro SP, Perrier C, Van Oers K, Réale D, Charmantier A. 2018. Gene flow does not prevent personality and morphological differentiation between two blue tit populations. Journal of Evolutionary Biology.

Perrier C, Delahaie B, Charmantier A. 2018. Heritability estimates from genomewide relatedness matrices in wild populations: Application to a passerine, using a small sample size. Molecular Ecology Resources. 

Perrier C & Charmantier A. 2018. Mésanges des villes, mésanges des champs, des génomes différents. The Conversation. 

Perrier C, Lozano del Campo A, Szulkin M, Demeyrier V, Gregoire A, Charmantier A. 2018. Great tits and the city: Distribution of genomic diversity and gene-environment associations along an urbanization gradient. Evolutionary Applications. 

Ferchaud AL, Laporte M, Perrier C, Bernatchez L. 2018. Impact of supplementation on deleterious mutations distribution in an exploited salmonid. Evolutionary Applications. 

Perrier C*, Ferchaud AL*, Sirois P, Thibault I, Bernatchez L. 2017. Do genetic drift and accumulation of deleterious mutations preclude adaptation? Empirical investigation using RADseq in a northern lacustrine fish. Molecular Ecology. 

Perreault-Payette A, Muir AM, Goetz F, Perrier C, Normandeau E, Sirois P, Bernatchez L. 2017. Investigating the extent of parallelism in morphological and genomic divergence among lake trout ecotypes in lake superior. Molecular Ecology.

Rougemont Q, Gagnaire PA*, Perrier C*, Genthon C, Besnard AL, Launey S, Evanno G. 2017. Inferring the demographic history underlying parallel genomic divergence among pairs of parasitic and non- parasitic lamprey ecotypes. Molecular Ecology. *equal contributions.  

Lemoine M, Lucek K, Perrier C, Saladin V, Adriaensen F, Barba E, Belda J, Charmantier A, Cichoń M, Eeva T, Grégoire A, Hinde C-A, Johnsen A, Komdeur J, Mänd R, Matthysen E, Norte A-C, Pitala N, Sheldon B-C, Slagsvold T, Tinbergen J-M, Török J, Ubels R, van Oers K, Visser M, Doligez B, Richner H. 2016. Low but contrasting neutral genetic differentiation shaped by winter temperature in European great tits. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society.

Manel S, Perrier C, Pratlong M, Abi-Rached L, Pagani J, Pontarotti P, Aurelle D. 2016. Genomic resources and their influence on the detection of the signal of positive selection in genome scans. Molecular Ecology

Bernatchez S, Laporte M, Perrier C, Sirois P, Bernatchez L. 2016. Investigating genomic and phenotypic parallelism between piscivorous and planktivorous ecotypes of Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush) by means of RADseq and morphometrics analyses. Molecular Ecology.

Ferchaud AL, Perrier C, April J, Hernandez C, Dionne M, Bernatchez L. 2016. Making sense of the relationships between Ne, Nb and Nc towards defining 30. conservation thresholds in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Heredity. 

Laporte M, Perrier C, Magnan P, Berrebi P. 2016. Genetic evidence of recent migration among isolated-by-sea populations of the freshwater blenny (Salaria fluviatilis). Conservation Genetics.

Perrier C, April J, Coté G, Bernatchez L, Dionne M. 2016. Effective number of breeders in relation to census size as management tools for Atlantic salmon conservation in a context of stocked populations. Conservation Genetics.

Benestan L, Gosselin T, Perrier C, Sainte-Marie B, Rochette R, Bernatchez L. 2015. RAD-genotyping reveals fine-scale genetic structuring and provides powerful population assignment in a widely distributed marine species. Molecular Ecology.

Le Cam S*, Perrier C*, Benard AL, Bernatchez L, Evanno G. 2015. Consequences of supplementation with non native individuals on genetic admixture and phenotypic traits in an Atlantic salmon population: a longitudinal study over 21 years. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. *equal contributions.

Quéméré E., Perrier C., Besnard A.L., Evanno G., Baglinière J.L., Guiguen Y., Launey S. 2014. An improved PCR-based method for faster sex determination in brown trout (Salmo trutta) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Conservation Genetics Ressources.

Perrier C., Normandeau E., Dionne M., Richard A., Bernatchez L. 2014. Alternative reproductive tactics increase effective population size and decrease inbreeding in wild Atlantic salmon. Evolutionary Applications.

Torterotot J.B., Perrier C., Bergeron N., Bernatchez L. 2014. Influence of forest road culverts and waterfalls on the fine scale distribution of brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis) genetic diversity in a boreal watershed. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.

Valiquette E., Perrier C., Thibault I., Bernatchez L. 2014. Loss of genetic integrity in wild lake trout populations following stocking: insights from an exhaustive study of 72 lakes from Quebec. Evolutionary Applications. 

Perrier C*, Le Gentil J*, Ravigne V, Gaudin P, Salvado J.C. 2014. Origins and genetic diversity among Atlantic salmon recolonizing upstream areas of a large South European river following restoration of connectivity and stocking. Conservation Genetics. 

Roussel JM, Perrier C, Cunjak RA, Graham B, Erkinaro J, Huteau D, Riera P. 2014. Stable isotope analyses on archived fish scales reveal the long-term effect of nitrogen loads on carbon cycling in rivers. Global Change Biology. 

Perrier C, Bourret V, Kent MP, Bernatchez L. 2013. Parallel and non-parallel genome-wide divergence among replicate population pairs of freshwater and anadromous Atlantic salmon. Molecular Ecology.

Perrier C, Guyomard R, Bagliniere JL, Nikolic N, Evanno G. 2013. Changes in the genetic structure of Atlantic salmon populations over four decades reveal substantial impacts of stocking and potential resiliency. Ecology and Evolution.

Perrier C, Bernatchez L. 2013. Influence de l’ensemencement sur la stratégie migratoire et le succès reproducteur des saumon atlantique relachés sur la rivière Malbaie. Saumons illimités - Fédération québécoise pour le saumon atlantique.

Milot E*, Perrier C*, Papillon L, Dodson J, Bernatchez L. 2013. Reduced fitness of Atlantic salmon released in the wild after one generation of captive-breeding. Evolutionary Applications. *equal contributions. 

Perrier C, Bagliniere JL, Evanno G. 2013. Understanding admixture patterns in supplemented populations: a case study combining molecular analyses and temporally explicit simulations in Atlantic salmon. Evolutionary Applications.

Perrier C, Molinero JC, Gerdeaux D, Anneville O. 2012. Daily growth of the whitefish Coregonus lavaretus larvae in an oligotrophic peri-alpine lake: effects of temperature and food supply. Journal of Fish Biology.

Perrier C, Guyomard R, Bagliniere JL, Evanno G. 2011. Determinants of hierarchical genetic structure in Atlantic salmon populations: environmental factors vs. anthropogenic influences. Molecular Ecology.

Perrier C, Daverat F, Evanno G, Pécheyran C, Bagliniere JL., Roussel J.M. 2011. Coupling genetic and otolith trace element analyses to identify river-born fish with hatchery pedigrees in stocked Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) populations. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.

Perrier C, Grandjean F, LeGentil J, Cherbonnel C, Evanno G. 2011. A species-specific microsatellite marker to discriminate European Atlantic salmon, brown trout, and their hybrids. Conservation Genetics Resources.

Perrier C, Evanno G, Belliard J, Guyomard R, Bagliniere J.L. 2010. Natural recolonization of the Seine River by Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) of multiple origins. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 

Baglinière J-L, Rivot E, Roussel J-M, Perrier C, Bal G, Prévost E, Beall E, Piou C, Lassalle G, Rochard E. 2010  Climate change and population dynamic of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). In "Changement climatique et stratégies démographiques des populations piscicoles", Pont D. (cood.), ARP 2005 GICC2 (MEEDDM, Gestion de l’Incidence du Changement climatique), pp 6-54.

Rivot E, Perrier C, Jouanin C, Roussel J-M, Riera P, Porcher J.P, Bagliniere J-L. 2009. Climate Change May Have Affected Growth and Life History in Atlantic Salmon Juveniles over the Past 30 Years. In Challenges for Diadromous Fishes in a Dynamic Global Environment, eds. A. Haro, K. L. Smith, R. A. Rulifson, C. M. Moffitt, R. J. Klauda, M. J. Dadswell, R. A. Cunjak, J. E. Cooper, K. L. Beal & T. S. Avery, 855-857

Baglinière J-L, Rivot E, Roussel J-M, Perrier C,  Bal G, Prévost E, Beall E, Piou C, Lassalle G, Rochard E. 2008. Climate change and population dynamic of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Rapport intermédiaire MEDAD, ARP Gestion de l’Incidence du Changement climatique et biodiversité (GICC2-Biodiversité) : Changement global et stratégies démographiques des populations piscicoles, 36 p.