Changxin Gao (高常鑫)

Currently I am a Professor with the School of Artificial Intelligence and Automation, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China. I received the B.S. degree and the Ph.D. degree both from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2005 and 2010. My Ph.D. supervisor is Prof. Nong Sang. From 2012 to 2013, I was a researcher assistant in ICTEAM at Université Catholique de Louvain with Prof. Benoit Macq.  My research interest includes computer vision, specifically on image and video semantic understanding.    


2024-01: The code of SCTNet is available in GitHub. 

2023-12: We release UFineBench, a new benchmark towards ultra-fine-grained text-based person retrieval. [Project]

2023-10: One paper is accepted to IJCV

2023-4: One paper is accepted to IEEE TPAMI. 

2022-10: One paper is accepted to IEEE TPAMI

2021-9: I served as a Senior Program Committee (SPC) member in AAAI-2022

2021-8: One paper is accepted to IJCV. 

                   One paper is accepted to IEEE TCYB.

2021-7: One paper is accepted to ACM MM 2021. [project]

                   Three papers are accepted to ICCV 2021.

2021-5: Two papers are accepted to PR.

2021-3: Three papers are accepted to CVPR2021.

2020-09: The code of PI-ReID (ECCV2020) is available in GitHub.

2020-06:  We won two 1st places of both the ActivityNet and the HACS Temporal Action Localization tasks in the ActivityNet Challenge 2020. [report] [report]
