

Mangerial Myopia, Financial Expertise, and Executive-Firm Matching (with F. Anjos) 2017. Journal of Corporate Finance

Politically Motivated Corporate Decisions As Tournament Participation/Inclusion Games
(with D. Feldman, J. Li and K. Saxena) 2021. Journal of Corporate Finance

Informed Trading of Out-of-the-Money Options and Market Efficiency (with D. Kim, J. Kim and G. Lee) 2022. Journal of Financial Research 

Risk Management Transparency and Compensation (with D. Kim) 2022.  Journal of Corporate Finance. Online Appendix

Working papers

Internal Information Asymmetry, External Reporting and Insider Trading: Theory and Evidence (with D. Kim and Y.Lim)

Global Flight-to-Quality and Asset Pricing: The Case of Momentum Strategies (with D. Kim and J. Kim)

Scale and Price Efficiency (with O. Chuprinin and A. Gorbenko)
CAFM, Paris December Finance Meeting, FIRN, BFCF (Best paper award), IFABS, SIRCA

Managerial Career Concerns and Corporate Environmental Policies (with D. Kim and T. Kim)
SFR, KFA-TFA Joint Conference, GRASFI (scheduled), APAD (scheduled)

Investment (In)Efficiency in Transparent Crowdfunding Markets (with O. Chuprinin and M. Hu)
EFA, AFBC, FIRN, FIRN Banking and Stability

CEOs and Boards: Collusion and Compensation (with A. Almazan)
FIRN (Best paper award), FIRN Corporate Finance, AFBC

Cluster Trading of Corporate Insiders (with D. Kim and Q. Wang)
UT Austin Alumni Conference, FMA, FIRN, AFBC 

Adverse Effects of Globalized Disclosure Standards on Foreign Investors’ Advantages (with C. Eom)
Supported by National Research Foundation of Korea

Ownership Structure, Acquisition and Managerial Incentives (with P. Radicevic)
ANU RSFAS Summer Camp

Executive Compensation, Board Compensation and Managerial Risk-Seeking Activities