
(New!) 2024-2026:  3.7 Million SEK for a two-and-a-half year research project Scrap and grab: Should Sweden introduce a vehicle scrappage subsidy? from the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) (with Rob Hart and Aemiro Melkamu)

2021-2024: 4.5 Million SEK for a three-year research project The Bonus-Malus policy for private automobiles: how large are the CO 2 reductions? from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (with Rob Hart and Tingmingke Lu) 


(a): 2.026 Million SEK for a three-year research project Consumer choice and network tariff under a natural monopoly: An empirical exploration for the Swedish electricity market from the Handelsbankens Forskningsfonder (with Runar Brännlund and Mattias Vesterberg)

(b) 3.83 Million SEK for a three-year research project Pricing and demand flexibility in a system dominated by renewable electricity production from the Swedish Energy Agency (Energimyndigheten) (with Runar Brännlund and Mattias Vesterberg)

2016-2019: 5.6 Million SEK for four-year research project Global biophysical processes in climate-economics-modelling: Implications for economic measures from the Ragnar Söderberg Foundation (with Gustav Engström and Johan Gars)

2013: 23,000 SEK Seed Money for Project on Employment Growth in Indian Manufacturing from the USBE Research School, Umeå University.