Chadar Trek 2020 - Packing Requirements

Chadar Frozen River Trek 2020 for 8 Nights and 9 Days @ ₹ 19500

Served more than 600 Trekkers for Chadar Trek in 2019

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Fixed Departures Dates(14 Batches):

January’2020 (10 Batches): 4-Jan, 7-Jan, 10-Jan, 13-Jan, 16-Jan, 19-Jan, 22-Jan, 25-Jan, 28-Jan, 31-Jan'2020

February’2020 (04 Batches): 3-Feb, 6-Feb, 9-Feb, 12-Feb'2020

Pick you batch and date by replying to this email or by calling 7014311023.

One time free date reschedule included.

Limited Seats Available!

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Chadar Trek is one of the most thrilling (read frightful ) treks in Ladakh area and the only most popular trek in the winters.

Penguin walking around the frozen sheet of ice above Zanskar River seems like an experience. What adds for this excitement is that the temperatures plummeting to - 30 degrees Celsius at the evening.

The trick to preparation is based on what to pack for Chadar Trek 2020. Contrary to other Himalayan treks in which you ascend and descend, you need to walk apartment on the suspended sheet. Your main challenge is to battle the teeth tattering chilly that may only be obtained over in the event that you've packaged nicely.

Here's the pro list for That You Ought to stick to if You're planning to choose Chadar Trek in forthcoming January-February:

Shoes are the main gear of almost any trek, particularly Chadar Trek.

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Trekking shoes:

Your trekking shoes ought to have three major items; high-tech ankle, waterproofing, and insulation on the exterior.

Cosmetic Boots: You may need gumboots to wade through water. It is possible to find a set from Leh. Make certain it is 1 size big to escape the shoe snack.

Crocs or open-toe slippers: You may need these on your campsite so you are able to roam easily without wetting your socks.

Lots of individuals make an error of over-packing. They simply realize that if they're panting lugging their thick back on the road.

Pack light & Pack smart: Avoid carrying vases since they consume a lot of distance. Instead stick with lace coats. They have less space and supply better insulation.

Artificial Trek trousers - two

Windcheater - 1

Body Thermals (lower & upper ) - two pair

Warm trousers - two

Total sleeves collar T-shirts - two

Down coat

Fleece coat - 1

Merino Trekking Socks - 2-3 pairs

Undergarments - 4 pairs

Rain coat or poncho


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Remember to pack:

The trick to remain shielded from biting cold on Chadar Trek 2020 is really in layers of clothes . A number of layers of clothing trap air between the layers and supply insulation from the cold.

Whilst walking in the daytime, thermal insulators will absorb the perspiration losing its own thermal property and receiving heavy. Because of this, it's far better to include moisture-wicking polypropylene established inners as the foundation layer.

When you get to the camp, include two layers of fleece and a down coat. The uppermost layer ought to be capable of rain, snow, and end up. Should you still feel cold, add yet another layer beneath. That should help save you in the chill.

Pack tiny bottles of toiletries that are only enough to get a week. It'll save lots of space and also unnecessary burden.

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It isn't of any use in Leh.

Don't take any plastic water bottle

Do not carry pops, alcohol, or packets of processors etc..

Take a daypack in the event you choose to offload your rucksack. Keep important things handy on your day pack.

Your load needs to be between 8-10 kgs.