

2015 - Introduction to Project Management Principles and Practices Specialization, at University of California, Irvine, on Coursera platform, taught by Margaret Meloni.

2014 – Doctor in Science (D.Sc.) in Software Engineering at Systems Engineering and Computer Science Program of COPPE/UFRJ in the process and product quality areas focusing on software process improvement with innovation, new methodologies and tools evaluation and adoption by companies and capability maturity models. Advisor: Ana Regina Rocha.

2009 – Innovation - The New Language for Competitiveness Specialization at Production Engineering Program of COPPE/UFRJ, taught by Marcus Vinicius Fonseca.

2008 – Master in Science (M.Sc.) in Software Engineering at Systems Engineering and Computer Science Program of COPPE/UFRJ in the process and product quality areas focusing on software process improvement initiatives management from the consultant organization perspective and capability maturity models. Advisor: Ana Regina Rocha.

2006 – Bachelor in Computer Science at Computer Science Department of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.


2024 - Cloud Digital Leader Learning Path, Google Cloud, finished on April 1st, 2024;

2024 - Official ISC2 CC Online Self-Paced Training - 1M, ISC2, finished on March 12th, 2024;

2024 - Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), Worksite Safety, finished on February 1st, 2024;

2024 - Six Sigma: Certified Lean Six Sigma Green Belt (Accredited), Advanced Innovation Group Pro Excellence (AIGPE), finished on January 28th, 2024;

2023 - Six Sigma: Certified Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt (Accredited), Advanced Innovation Group Pro Excellence (AIGPE), finished on October 12th, 2023;

2023 - Six Sigma: Certified Lean Six Sigma White Belt (Accredited), Advanced Innovation Group Pro Excellence (AIGPE), finished on September 28th, 2023;

2022 - McGill Personal Finance Essentials, McGill University, Desautels Faculty of Management, finished on October 17th, 2022;

2021 - Supervisor Health and Safety Awareness in 5 Steps, Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development, finished on August 17th, 2021;

2017 - Data Quality and Governance (Governança e Qualidade de Dados), SBQS 2017, taught by Carlos Barbier, on August 29th, 2017;

2016 - QPS Software Product Quality Assessment Model (QPS Modelo para Avaliacao da Qualidade de Produtos de Software), COPPE, taught by Ana Regina Rocha, on August 24th, 2016;

2015 - Introduction to Big Data, University of California, San Diego, on Coursera platform, taught by Natasha Balac, finished on October 30th, 2015;

2015 - Java SE 8 MOOC: Lambdas and Streams, Oracle, taught by Simon Ritter, finished on August 11th, 2015;

2015 - Managing Project Risks and Changes, University of California, Irvine, on Coursera platform, taught by Margaret Meloni, finished on July 20th, 2015;

2015 - Budgeting and Scheduling Projects, University of California, Irvine, on Coursera platform, taught by Margaret Meloni, finished on July 11th, 2015;

2015 - Initiating and Planning Projects, University of California, Irvine, on Coursera platform, taught by Margaret Meloni, finished on May 31st, 2015;

2013 – Managing Technical Debt, SBQS 2013, taught by Carolyn Seaman, on July 5th, 2013;

2013 – Software Analytics: Achievements and Challenges, SBQS 2013, taught by Tao Xie, on July 2nd, 2013;

2013 – Getting Deeper in CMMI and MPS.BR High Maturity Practices (Aprofundamento nas Práticas de Alta Maturidade do CMMI e MPS.BR), SBQS 2013, taught by Mariano Montoni, on July 1st, 2013;

2013 – Software Process Improvement with Agile Methods and MPS Model (Melhoria de Processo de Software com Métodos Ágeis e Modelo MPS), SBQS 2013, taught by Jorge Boria, on July 1st , 2013;

2012 – Workshop ITIL, Pink Elephant, on June 10th, 2012;

2012 – Model Thinking, University of Michigan, on Coursera platform, taught by Professor Scott E. Page, finished on June 4th, 2012;

2012 – CMMI Version 1.3 Model Upgrade, Carnegie Mellon University;

2012 – MPS Services (MPS Serviços), Softex, taught by Sheila Reinehr and Ana Zabeu;

2011 – Services Supplement for CMMI for Development, Liveware, taught by Jorge Boria and Viviane Boria, June 11th, 2011;

2010 – Special course on implementing maturity levels E-D-C of MPS (Curso especial de implementação MPS nos níveis E-D-C), Softex, on August 19th, 2010;

2009 – Oficial Certified ScrumMaster course, SWQuality, taught by Boris Gloger, on October 1st and 2nd, 2009;

2009 – Software Project Modeling with System Dynamics (Modelagem de Projetos de Software com a Dinâmica de Sistemas), SBQS 2009, Ouro Preto, taught by Márcio de Oliveira Barros, on June 5th, 2009;

2009 – CMMI Version 1.2 Upgrade Training, Carnegie Mellon University, on Abril 9th, 2009;

2008 – Portfolio Management Course (Curso de Gerência de Portfólio), Softex, taught by Sheila dos Santos Reinehr, on October 28th, 2008;

2008 – Introduction to CMMI High Maturity Levels (Introdução aos Níveis mais Altos de Maturidade do CMMI), SBQS 2008, taught by Jorge Boria, on June 4th, 2008;

2008 – MPS.BR Appraisal Team Official Course (Curso Oficial de Avaliadores do Modelo MPS.BR), Softex, taught by Ana Regina Rocha, Marcio Pecegueiro do Amaral, Mariano Montoni, Ana Zabeu and Fernando Muradas, from July 3rd to July 5th, 2008;

2007 – Software Projects Statistical Management and Continuous Improvement: CMMI Levels 4 and 5 (Gerência Estatística de Projetos de Software e Melhoria Contínua: Níveis 4 e 5 do CMMI), Liveware, taught by Jorge Boria, on August 28th, 2007;

2007 – MR.MPS.BR V1-2 Update – levels A and B (Atualização no MR.MPS.BR V1-2 níveis A e B), Softex, taught by Ana Regina Rocha, on August 20th, 2007;

2007 – Reuse Management and Components Based Development (Gerência de Reuso e Desenvolvimento baseado em Componentes), Softex, SBQS 2007, taught by Cláudia Werner, on June 28th, 2007;

2007 – Quantitative Management and the Higher Maturity Levels of CMMI, Liveware, SBQS 2007, taught by Jorge Boria, on de June 27th, 2007;

2006 – Advanced CMMI for High Maturity, Liveware, taught by Jorge Boria, from April 17th to April 20th, 2006;

2006 – ATMT Appraisal Team Member Training, Liveware, taught by Viviane Boria and Jorge Boria, on April 11th, 2006;

2006 – Introduction to CMMI (Staged and Continuous), v 1.1, Carnegie Mellon University, taught by Viviane Boria, on May 29th, 2006;

2006 – Software Configuration Management Course (Curso de Gerência de Configuração de Software), COPPE, taught by Leonardo Murta, on March 21st and 23rd, 2006;

2006 – Software Measurement and Analysis Course (Curso de Medição e Análise em Software), COPPE, taught by Fábio Bianchi, on March 07th, 09th, 14th and 16th, 2006;

2005 – MPS.BR Consultant Official Course (Curso Oficial de Implementador do Modelo MPS.BR), Softex, taught by Ana Regina Rocha, on November 17th and 18th, 2005;

2005 – MPS.BR Introduction Official Course (Curso Oficial de Introdução ao Modelo MPS.BR), Softex, taught by Ana Regina Rocha, on September 30th, 2005;

2005 – Financial Analysis and Planning (Análise e Planejamento Financeiro), SEBRAE; from August 1st to September 1st, 2005;

2004 – Extreme Programming Coach Training (Treinamento para Coach de Extreme Programming), taught by Vinícius Manhães Teles, from August to November 2004;

2004 – SQL, NCE/UFRJ, taught by Luiz Fernando Pereira de Souza, from May 3rd to May 21st, 2004;

2004 – Flash MX, NCE/UFRJ, taught by Karlos Gustavo de Oliveira Neto, from February 2nd to February 18th, 2004;

2003 – Java Senior (Including Object Orientation, Design Patterns, UML, Java, Log4J, JUnit, XML, JNDI, JMS, J2EE (EJB (Session Beans, Entity Beans BMP e CMP), JSP, Servlets), JBOSS, STRUTS e test-driven development), NCE/UFRJ, taught by Gilson Tavares, from May 10th to October 22nd, 2003.


Native Brazilian Portuguese

Fluent in English

Basic Spanish