
This page represents the most up-to-date version of the agenda. If any changes arise, they will be posted here.

Day 1: September 6, 2018

12:00 PM Check-in

1:00 PM Welcome and Workshop Opens

1:05 PM Keynote: Jeff Gralnick (University of Minnesota)

Synthetic biology to understand and engineer environmental bacteria

2:15 PM Selected Short Talks 1

  • Kevin Metcalf (Northwestern University): Creating proteins with large sizes and multiple functions for biomedical applications
  • Sagardip Majumder (University of Michigan): Artificial nuclear membranes: A synthetic biology platform for the reconstitution and mechanistic dissection of LINC complex assembly
  • Patrick Donahue (Northwestern University): Development of synthetic biosensors for engineering cell-based therapies
  • Aseem Ansari (University of Wisconsin-Madison): Designing synthetic transcription factors

3:15 PM Coffee Break and Poster Session

5:00 PM Panel: Industrial Perspectives on SynBio

    • Mikkel Algire (AbbVie)
    • Steve Evans (Dow)
    • Sean Simpson (LanzaTech)
    • Amy Trejo (Procter & Gamble)

6:00 PM Reception and Poster Session

Day 2: September 7, 2018

8:30 AM Selected Short Talks 2

  • Vladimir Vinnik (University of Wisconsin-Madison): Directed evolution of an adenylation domain specificity code
  • Adam Silverman (Northwestern University): Deconstructing cell-free extract preparation for in vitro activation of transcriptional biosensors
  • Mia Mihailovic (University of Texas-Austin): Exploiting SynBio for the high throughput in vivo characterization of functional RNA sites
  • Daniel Schmidt (University of Minnesota): Domain insertion permissibility is a measure of engineerable allostery in ion channels

9:30 AM Coffee Break, Networking, Poster Viewing

10:30 AM Panel: Tools to Accelerate SynBio

  • Bryan Dickinson (University of Chicago)
  • Tom Mansell (Iowa State University)
  • Megan McClean (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
  • Jeff Tabor (Rice University)
  • Ophelia Venturelli (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

11:30 AM Lunch (on site)

1:00 PM Selected Short Talks 3

  • Jessica Stark (Northwestern University): Cell-free glycoprotein synthesis technology enables portable, on-demand conjugate vaccine production
  • Matthew Deaner (University of Texas-Austin): Modular Ligation Extension of Guide RNA Operons (LEGO) for multiplexed dCas9 regulation of metabolic pathways in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  • Ke Xu (University of Wisconsin-Madison): Engineering Escherichia coli for production of poly(3-hydroxyoctanoic acid) from glycerol
  • Zengyi Shao (Iowa State University): Elucidating core design principles to engineer nonconventional yeasts as novel microbial factories

2:00 PM Coffee Break and Networking

2:30 PM Brainstorming: Future of SynBio & this Workshop

3:00 PM Closing Keynote: Danielle Tullman-Ercek (Northwestern University)

4:00 PM Workshop Closes