Hi Everyone,
I am trying to keep this website updated so please check back, or email me at CentralOhioMiniOwners@gmail.com with any questions.
This Club still meets the Third Tuesday of each month but the Location has been changing due to restrictions. I send out a email the week before to confirm the location and also pass out any info Club or Mini Info. If you would like to be added to the email just email CentralOhioMiniOwners@gmail.com I do prefer that you live in or around Columbus and plan on attending a COMO Meeting or event for you to be on this email list, there are exceptions.
Please read Monthly Email for current Location since it changes almost each month.
About us
We are a Classic Mini Group but some of our Members have newer Minis. We encourage all Mini owners to drive their Minis. We like to take trips, some small and some big. Each year a few members will driver their Classic Mini thousands of miles to all over the USA.
Join US
Please check out the events page. lots of stuff is added regularly and is updated. If you have a event you would like to add then just email me.