ABC LNL CENSORS humanitarian, anti-racist Jewish listener posts & then blocks posting too

The following letter was sent on 10 May 2012 to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (the ABC; Australia's equivalent of the UK BBC) about Australian Internet Censorship involving the taxpayer-funded ABC and by the academic–based and taxpayer-, Australian universities - and CSIRO-backed web magazine The Conversation. The silence has been deafening.

"Dear Sir/Madam,

For anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish people alike, the fundamental moral imperatives from the WW2 Holocaust (from which only a dozen of my family survived) are “zero tolerance for racism”, ”zero tolerance for lying”, “bear witness” and “never again to anyone”. Anti-racist Jews (and indeed all anti-racists) are obliged to follow this moral imperative and bear witness about the ongoing Palestinian Genocide by Apartheid Israel (since 1936 about 0.1 million violent Palestinian deaths and 1.9 million avoidable Palestinian deaths from war-, occupation- and expulsion-imposed deprivation; 90% of Palestine ethnically cleansed; 7 million refugees; only 6% of 12 million Palestinians permitted to vote for the government ruling all of Palestine plus the largely ethnically cleansed Syrian Golan Heights; 6 million Palestinians forbidden to even live in Palestine; 800,000 children, 10% stunted from the Israeli-imposed blockade, highly abusively imprisoned without charge or trial in what the Catholic Church has described as the Gaza Concentration Camp for the asserted “crime” of being Indigenous Palestinians living in a tiny patch of the land continuously inhabited by their forebears for millennia back to the very dawn of agrarian civilization; see “Palestinian Genocide”: ). Anti-racist Jews (and indeed all anti-racists) are obliged to follow this moral imperative and bear witness about the 12 million dead from violence or war-imposed deprivation in the post-1990, Zionist-backed US War on Muslims (see “Muslim Holocaust, Muslim Genocide”: ).

However anti-racist Jews meeting this sacred obligation to “bear witness” are routinely sidelined, censored, and grossly defamed in a new kind of anti-Jewish anti-Semitism now entrenched in the West, together with violent anti-Arab anti-Semitism and Islamophobia, by racist Zionists and their neocon supporters, this involving the societal sidelining and censoring of anti-racist Jewish scholars; the false and gross defaming of anti-racist Jews as "self-hating Jews" and "anti-Semites"; and the utterly false conflation of the appalling, genocidal crimes of Apartheid Israel with all Jews, including decent, anti-racist, humanitarian Jews. Nevertheless a large number of outstanding Jewish and non-Jewish writers and leaders have spoken out against the genocidal crimes of racist Zionist-run Apartheid Israel (see “Jews Against Racist Zionism”: , “Non-Jews Against Racist Zionism”: and Dr Gideon Polya, “Nobel writer speaks out”, MWC News, 15 April 2012: ).

The following letter about Zionist-promoted Australian Internet Censorship and in particular egregious censorship of informed, credentialed, anti-racist Jewish opinion by the taxpayer-funded ABC and by the academic–based and taxpayer-, Australian universities - and CSIRO-backed web magazine The Conversation has been sent to Australian MPs and to media world wide (see Dr Gideon Polya, “Australian Internet Censorship by Government-funded ABC & The Conversation”, Bellaciao, 10 May 2012: ).

Dear etc,

Internet censorship by the Australian Government-funded ABC and The Conversation.

Censorship is repugnant because it prevents basic human communication required for democracy and in particular short circuits risk management that is crucial for societal safety and which successively involves (a) accurate information, (b) scientific analysis and (c) informed systemic change to minimize risk.

Yet the taxpayer-funded ABC (Australia’s equivalent of the UK BBC) has an appalling record of censorship, mal-reportage, lying by omission and lying by commission. The taxpayer-funded ABC program Late Night Live and the taxpayer-, Australian universities- and CSIRO-backed and Australian academic–based web magazine The Conversation have both repeatedly censored my informed, credentialed comments about horrendous, war-related civilian deaths, and when I publicized this censorship both blocked my posting of comments.

To anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish people alike, the fundamental moral imperatives from the WW2 Holocaust (from which only a dozen of my family survived) are “zero tolerance for racism”, ”zero tolerance for lying”, “bear witness” and “never again to anyone”. The censorship of anti-racist Jewish exposure of crimes against humanity is particularly repugnant and will certainly attract international censure against Australia, the Australian Labor Government, the ABC, The Conversation, Australian universities and CSIRO.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Gideon Polya (contact details).

For detailed documentation see “Censorship by The Conversation”: ; “Censorship by ABC Late Night Live”: ; “ABC Censorship”: .

Of course the ABC is not alone in this perversion of the truth and deception of the public. For details of media-derived censorship by the global Murdoch media empire, Australian Fairfax media, the Australian ABC, the UK BBC, and the Australian universities-backed web magazine The Conversation in Neocon American- and Zionist Imperialist-perverted and subverted Murdochracy, Lobbyocracy and Corporatocracy Australia and elsewhere in the West see: see “Boycott Murdoch media”: ; “Censorship by the BBC”: ; “Censorship by The Conversation”: ; “Mainstream media censorship”: ; “Mainstream media lying”: ; “Censorship by The Age”: ; “Censorship by ABC Late Night Live”: , "Censorship by ABC Saturday Extra": and “ABC fact-checking unit & incorrect reportage by the ABC (Australia’s BBC)”: , "Censorship by The Guardian UK": , "Censorship by The Guardian Australia": and “Censorship by Crikey (Australia)”: .