Céline    PaEye 

Des recherches originales, à l’interface entre

Neurosciences,    Psychologie


Sciences de la vision

My research focuses on the relationship between  perception and action in the human brain - and more precisely in the visual system.  

What kind of perception?

What kind of action?

Perception is known to influence action, and action is known to influence perception.  Some questions on this issue are still unresolved. For example: Is size perception influenced by saccade execution ? What role does attention play in this phenomenon ?  What happens if saccades are modified by reinforcement learning? 

I test behavioural hypotheses using gaze control paradigms. In these protocols, the presentation of stimuli depends on the observer's eye movements, and sometimes occurs even before the observer has finished moving his or her eyes. This way, we can perfectly control the visual environment and study the plasticity of the visual system.


Activités de recherche, sur le thème du lien entre perception et action au sein du système oculomoteur humain