
Worship & Music Committee: supports the on-going gathering, word, communion meal, and sending activities of the faith community  by selecting and maintaining worship books, liturgies, vestments, vessels, musical instruments, bread/wine, flowers, and decorations.  All is to promote connections between the congregants and our triune God.

Evangelism/stewardship: Our job is to recommend ways to increase our membership and help our current members. We have regularly scheduled monthly meetings in which we discuss and implement programs to enrich our ministry of Jesus Christ.

Parish Life: The parish life committee is charged with the hospitality of our ministry. We arrange and serve meals, create food oriented fundraisers, and other functions as needed.

Building: The building committee is charged with the upkeep of all of our buildings. Our job is to make sure the walls are painted, the water doesn’t leak, the roof is sound, the lights work, and everything works as it should.

Youth: This committee deals with the needs of our youth.

Finance: Our job is to keep detailed records of the finances of the congregation. We are assisted with this by our administrative assistant and church treasurer.

Altar Guild: The altar guild keeps the altar area fresh and appropriate for each church season, places flowers on around the altar, and does such things that become necessary during the year.



 Music Ministry:

At our 10:45 AM  Service, a praise team sings with electric keyboard, bass and drums.  The senior choir supplies an anthem during the service.

Both the choir and the praise band are always looking for new members! The Senior Choir meets Wednesday nights at 7:00 PM (September-May) and the Praise Band rehearses on the first and third Thursday nights at 7:00 PM (Again, September-May).

Yard Sale: this 26 year church-wide effort affords fun, fellowship, and outreach as 100% of the profits are used to help people in our local and synod communities.

Caring Hands: Meet as a group to create hand-crafted items for folks in need.  We are currently making hats for cancer patients, arm warmers, hats/gloves/scarves, and sweaters.


Other Ministries:

Join us as we work with other members of our community to serve as our Master serves.