FIU Bridge Collapse

On March 15, 2018, a Florida International University (FIU) pedestrian bridge near Miami, Florida collapsed during construction. This web page provides some of the raw and intermediate data for a preliminary analysis study of this incident using limited evidence collected from the collapse scene videos recorded by bystanders.

We extracted key frames from the YouTube video on the right hand side and traced the edges of the key features in the frames for demonstration, measurement, and analysis.

At 8.36 sec in the video, the screenshot indicates that structure of the pedestrian bridge was intact. In this and following screenshots, we observe vertical distance between reference locations A and B as indication of deformation.

At 8.48 sec, structure deformation appeared.

At 8.61 sec, an instability emerged at the diagonal web #2 when the traffic signals were in view.

At 8.78 sec, entire bridge settled and traffic signals were blocked from view.

At 8.88 sec, the structure abruptly collapsed after failure of diagonal #2.

A wreckage photo showing that concrete of web #2 was crushed .