

(18) C. Dave and M. Sorge 2023. "Fat Tailed DSGE Models: A Survey and New Results", revise and re-submit

(17) S. Ball, C. Dave and A. S. Dodds 2023. "Enumerating Rights: More is Not Always Better", Public Choice, forthcoming.

(16) C. Dave and M. Sorge, 2021. "Equilibrium Indeterminacy and Sunspot Tales", European Economic Review, v. 140.

(15) C. Dave, C. Ghate, P. Gopalakrishnan and S. Tarafdar, 2020. "Fiscal Austerity in Emerging Market Economies", Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, v. 25.

(14) C. Dave and M. Sorge, 2020. "Sunspot Driven Fat Tails: A Note", Economics Letters, v. 193.

(13) C. Dave, S. Hamre, C. Kephart and A. Reuben, 2020. "Subjects in the Lab, Activists in the Field: Public Goods and Punishment," Eurasian Economic Review, v. 10. (EBES Best Paper Award)

(12) C. Dave and J. Feigenbaum, 2020. "Precautionary Learning and Inflationary Biases," Macroeconomic Dynamics, v. 24.

(11) C. Dave and S. Malik, 2017. "A Tale of Fat Tails," European Economic Review, v. 100.

(10) G. Charness and C. Dave, 2017. "Confirmation Bias with Motivated Beliefs," Games and Economic Behavior, v. 104.

(9) C. Dave and K. P. Tsang, 2014. "Recursive Preferences, Learning and Large Deviations," Economics Letters, v. 124.

(8) J. Benhabib and C. Dave, 2014. "Learning, Large Deviations and Rare Events," Review of Economic Dynamics, v. 17. 

(7) C. Dave, S. J. Dressler and L. Zhang, 2013. "The Bank Lending Channel: a FAVAR Analysis," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, v. 45. 

(6) C. Dave and A. S. Dodds, 2012. "Nosy Preferences, Benevolence and Efficiency," Southern Economic Journal, v. 78. 

(5) C. Dave, 2011. "Are Investment Expectations Rational, Adaptive or Regressive?," Economic Inquiry, v. 49. 

(4) C. Dave, C. Eckel, C. Johnson and C. Rojas, 2010. "Eliciting Risk Preferences: When is Simple Better?," Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, v. 41. 

(3) C. Dave and S. J. Dressler, 2010. "Technology Shocks, Capital Utilization, and Sticky Prices," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, v. 34. 

(2) T. Coury and C. Dave, 2010. "Hyperbolic Discounting: A Recursive Formulation and An Application to Economic Growth," Economics Letters, v. 109. 

(1) T. L. Brunell, C. Dave and N. C. Morgan, 2009. "Factors Affecting the Length of Time a Jury Deliberates: Case Characteristics and Jury Composition," Review of Law and Economics, v. 5. 


(2) D. N. DeJong and C. Dave, 2011. Structural Macroeconometrics, 2nd Ed., Princeton University Press

(1) D. N. DeJong with C. Dave, 2007. Structural Macroeconometrics, Princeton University Press


(2) C. Dave, S.J. Dressler and S. Malik, "A Cautionary Tale of Fat Tails", under review.

(1) C. Dave, S. J. Dressler and L. Zhang, "Interest on Excess Reserves and the Bank Lending Channel: a FAVAR Analysis".

Other Publications

(5) C. Dave, S. Shami and N. Ridge, 2016. "An Experimental Investigation of the Determinants of Teacher Quality: Risk, Patience or Altruism?," Qasimi Foundation for Policy Research Working Paper, No. 12. 

(4) T. Coury and C. Dave, 2009. "Oil, Labor Markets and Economic Diversification in the GCC: An Empirical Assessment," Harvard Kennedy School-Belfer Center Working Paper.

(3) T. Coury and C. Dave, 2009. "Monetary Union in the GCC: A Preliminary Analysis," Dubai School of Government Working Paper Series No. 08-10. 

(2) C. Dave, 2006. "Why is High Capacity Utilization No Longer Inflationary in Canada?," Department of Finance Canada Working Paper Series, No. 2006-02. 

(1) C. Dave, 2004. "Are Investment Expectations Rational?," Department of Statistics Canada Analytical Studies Branch Research Paper Series, No. 208.


(6) City of Edmonton, (w/ T. Klumpp and L. Wheeler), $30K, Fall 2021.

(5) 27th EBES Conference, "Subjects in the Lab, Activists in the Field: Public Goods and Punishment," Best Paper Award.

(4) PPRU, ISI Delhi, "Fiscal Policy, Public Debt, and Emerging Market Economy Business Cycles," (w/ C. Ghate, P. Gopalkrishnan, T. Tarafdar) INR300K, Fall 2016. 

(3) NYUAD, Research Enhancement Fund Grant, $35K, Spring 2013. 

(2) NSF, BCS-0905060 (Co-PI w/ D. Arce, R. Croson (PI), C. Eckel, E. Fatas, C. Holt), $440K, Fall 2009. 

(1) NSF, BCS-0905044 (Co-PI w/ D. Arce, R. Croson (PI), C. Eckel), $149K, Fall 2009.