AI in Education: Possibilities & Portential

Course Requirements

Participants interested in earning 12 clock hours* must:

Note: Clock hour credit will only be given for those who complete the course as outlined. Partial credit will not be awarded. Posts and replies must be completed according to scheduled due dates.

Course Description 

In this online course, participants will examine the possibilities and potential of AI in education through articles, videos and other resources. Over the eight weeks, participants will engage in learning and discussions around the following themes/topics:

Please note: There is a technology component to this class that will ask participants to experiment and play with various free (for now) AI tools. In most cases this means you will need to create an account. Each district handles using tools like this differently, so if you are unsure what your district policies are, ask someone or use your personal (not work) email address. Also, before using any AI tool with students, check with your district to be sure you are following your district’s guidelines. Finally, although there is a technology component to this class, it does not earn STEM clock hours because it does not meet the requirements to qualify.

Who Should Take This Course? This course is intended for all K-12 teachers interested in thinking about and discussing artificial intelligence in education.

Text:  This book study doesn’t have a book. Instead, all materials will be shared with participants through the weekly assignments.

Registration Links

Each district handles registration differently. Click on you district's link below and you will be taken to your district's registration portal.


Mercer Island


Snoqualmie Valley
